Annual Report 1999–2000
傑‧出‧研‧究‧計‧劃 Outstanding Research Project 工商管理學院 Faculty of Business Administration 良好的組織公民與服務素質 Organizational Good Citizenship and Service Quality 商業機構都希望員工能提高服務素質 許濬敎授在一家跨國銀行的多間分行進 行研究,確立了組織公民、服務領袖 和優質前線服務三者之間的關係。「良 好的組織公民」意指會為公司設想和盡 忠職守的僱員。研究結果顯示,若以 良好的組織公民作為服務領袖,該分行 的顧客會最滿意銀行提供的服務,而其 他員工亦會最遵從銀行的服務指引。 許敎授的結論是,僱主應培訓良好的組 織公民為服務領袖,從而引領其他前線 員工為顧客提供優質服務。有關論文 將刊載於《管理學院學報》。 Organizations are keen to induce employees to provide high quality service. Prof. Hui Chu conducted a study on the relationship among good organizational citizenship, service quality leadership, and service quality at the frontline in the different branches of a multinational bank. Good organizational citizenship refers to the willingness of employees to act for the well-being of the organization and to fulfil their responsibilities. Research results show that customers were most satisfied with the service quality of the branch in which good citizens had been designated and trained as service quality leaders. Employees in the branch also exhibited the highest level of conformity with the quality scheme of the bank. Prof. Hui therefore suggests that employers should train good organizational citizens as service quality leaders, who can in turn influence frontline workers to provide high quality service to the customers. A paper on the subject by Prof. Hui will be published in th e Academy of Management Journal.
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