Annual Report 1999–2000

傑‧出‧研‧究‧計‧劃 Outstanding Research Project 教育學院 Faculty of Education 深圳人力資本發展 Human Capital Development in Shenzhen 肖今敎授硏究深圳經濟的人力資本特 點,包括敎育和培訓的體系,課程內 容,成本與籌資,以及就業人口的成分 和變化;又探討各種發展人力資本途徑 的利弊,混合途徑的形式,有關在職培 訓和自費成人敎育的決策和經濟效益, 以及在職學習的形式和功能。研究發 現,深圳的人力資本發展體系是個「三 位體」,由正規敎育、僱主提供的在職 培訓,以及自費的成人敎育所組成。 肖敎授其後又獲硏究資助局撥款,在上 海開展一項類似研究,探討內地十二個 縣的人力資本發展特色。 Undertaken by Prof. Xiao Jin, this research project studied the curriculum and finances of educational and vocational training institutions in Shenzhen, and the structural change in the workforce against the background of a fast growing economy. It also explored human capital development in alternatives, mixed paths, the determinants of education and training provision and their economic effects, and learning in the workplace. Findings indicate that human capital development in Shenzhen is characterized by an integrated tripartite system of formal schooling, employer-provided training, and adult education outside the workplace. Following her pilot studies in Shenzhen, Prof. Xiao received RGC grants to conduct a similar study in Shanghai and to examine human capital development in 12 counties across China.