Annual Report 1999–2000

傑•出•研•究•計•劃 Outstanding Research Project 醫學院 Faculty of Medicine 胃癌與幽門 螺桿 菌 Gastric Cancer a n d He l i c o b a c t er pylori 胃癌高踞國內癌病死亡率的第一位。 在胃黏液層滋長的幽門螺捍菌疑為胃癌 的致病因素之一,而醫療人員一直在爭 論根除幽門螺桿菌是否能使胃癌的發展 逆轉。本校內科及藥物治療學系和外科 學系與北京大學醫學部合作,在胃癌高 發區山東省開展了一項前瞻性的硏究, 為一千多人進行內鏡檢查後,將感染 幽門螺桿菌者隨機分為抗生素治療組和 安慰劑對照組。一年後的追蹤結果顯 示,根除了幽門螺桿菌,可降低癌前病 變的進展速率。研究報吿已在美國胃腸 病學會大會發表,獲海內外專家讃揚。 Gastric cancer is the commonest cancer in China. Infection by Helicobacterpylori, a microorgan living in the mucus layer of the stomach, has been implicated as one of the causes. Whether eradication of the bacteria can reverse the tendency for the cancer to develop is controversial. The Department of Medicine and Therapeutics and the Department of Surgery of the University have conducted a prospective study in Shangdong Province in China in collaboration with the Peking University Health Science Centre. A team from Hong Kong and Beijing visited the high incidence area and performed endoscopy on over 1,000 patients. The subjects were randomized to receive antibiotic treatment or placebo. A one- year follow-up indicates that treatment of Helicobacterpylori has reduced the rate of progression of pre-malignant lesions. The study received international acclaim when it was presented as a plenary paper in the American Gastroenterological Association meeting. 幽 門 螺 桿菌 Helicobacter pylori