Annual Report 1999–2000

本人擔任中大校長之職,已有四年,這也是我的第四份 年終報告。一九九九至二零零零年度特別令人振奮, 不單止因為我們於是年創造了種種好成績,更因為這是承先 啟後的一年,在世紀之交展示了新千禧的無限契機和挑戰。 就先讓我們回顧大學今年所創的佳績。 卓越學科領域 我曾於去年的年報提及,中大在大學敎育資助委員會(敎資 會)所主持的管理檢討中,取得良佳成績,獲檢討小組的髙 度評價。今年我們在另一項敎資會的新猷中,也有優異表 現。敎資會在本地大學所提交的芸芸申請中,挑選出三個卓 越學科領域,作長線投資,其中兩項由中大敎研人員倡議, 一項為「植物與真菌生物科技」,獲撥款三千八百多萬港 元;另一項為「資訊科技」,乃本校與香港大學和香港科技 大學的合作研究,獲撥款五千一百萬港元。這兩項前沿研 I t is part of m y pleasurable d u ty as vice- chancellor to present a year-end review of the University, and this is m y f o u r th report since I assumed vice-chancellorship i n 1996. T he year under review was a most exciting one, not o n l y because it was dominated by heart-stirring news about the University's achievements, but also becaus e it stood right on the threshold of a new century, opening up vast vistas of the challenges and opportunities of a n e w m i l l e n n i um ahead. Let us begin w i t h achievements. UGC Area of Excellence Scheme F o l l o w i ng the excellent results we achieve d i n the management review exercise conducted b y the Un i v e r s i ty Grants Comm i t t ee ( UGC) last year, details o f w h i ch were given i n m y 1998-99 report, the Un i v e r s i ty again fared very we l l i n another U G C initiative. As a major research university i n H o n g K o n g, we prided ourselves o n having been closely associated w i t h t w o of the first thre e frontier research projects selected b y the U G C f or long-term f u n d i ng support under its Area of Excellence (AoE) Scheme. T he project 'Plant and Fungal Biotechnology', undertaken solel y b y C U H K researchers, was awarded HK $ 3 8 .8 m i l l i o n. A n o t h er project, ' I n f o r ma t i on Technology', conducted i n collaboratio n w i t h the Un i v e r s i ty of H o n g K o n g and the H o n g K o n g Un i v e r s i ty of Science and Technology, was granted H K $ 5 1 m i l l i o n. B o t h projects were chosen f or their great potential i n achieving an international standard of excellence and c o n t r i b u t i ng to the social and economic well-being o f H o n g Kong. T h ey are also indicative of the h i gh quality of research prevalent at this university. 辛 世 文 教 授 主 持 的 「 植 物 與 真 菌 生 物 科 技 」 硏 究 , 獲 敎 資 會 甄 選 為 卓 越 學 科 領 域 。 The project 'Plant and Fungal Biotechnology' undertaken by Prof. Samuel Sun was selected as an AoE by the UGC. 校長報告 3 VICE-CHANCELLOR' S REVIEW