Annual Report 1999–2000

學生及校友 68 STUDENT S AND ALUMN I 新生入學人數 今年大學共錄取新生五千零六十五名,計本科生二千八百九 十六名,研究生二千一百六十九名。從內地招收的本科生有 三十二名。 畢業生 一九九九至二零零零年度共有四千八百零五名學生完成學 業,其中二千八百八十二名為本科生,一千二百三十二名為 研究院高級學位課程學生,六百九十一名為研究院文憑課 程學生。自一九六六年至今,本校畢業生人數已累積至六萬 五千五百八十二人。 The Faculty of Business A dm i n i s t r a t i on continued to register the largest n umb e r of students, w h i le the Faculty of Social Science was still the largest faculty i n terms of undergraduate student enrolment. Student Admission A total of 5,065 new students were admitted during the year, among w h o m 2,89 6 were undergraduate students and 2,169 postgraduate students. This year 32 under - graduate students were recruited f r o m the mainland. 一九九九至二零零零年度新生入學人數 Student Admission 1999-2000 全日制課程 Full-time Programme 兼讀制課程 Part-time Programme 總人數 Total 本科生* Undergraduates* 2,776 120 2,896 (2,975) 研究生** Postgraduates** 文憑課程 D i p l o ma programmes 154 432 586 碩士課程 Master's programmes 539 894 1,433 博士課程 D o c t o r al programmes 123 816 27 1,353 150 2,169 (2,070) 總人數 T o t a l 3,592 1,473 5,065 (5,045) * 以當年九月三十日之紀錄計算 All figures as at 30th September ** 於一九九九至二零零零年度錄取之學生,包括五百八十四名在大學敎育資助委員會核定學額以外錄取者。 Number of students admitted during 1999-2000, including 584 students admitted outside UGC quota ( ) 內為一九九八至九九年度新生入學人數 Indicating 1998-99 figures