Annual Report 1999–2000

學生及校友 75 STUDENT S AND ALUMN I 名列二零零零年香港特别行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2000 HKSAR Honours List 金紫荊星章 Gold Bauhinia Star 行政會議成員、怡富資產管理香港區主席及怡富中國業務主 席鍾瑞明議員 Mr. Chung Shui-ming, Member of the Executive Council, Chairman - Ho ng Kong, Jardine Fleming Asset Management, and Chairman - China Business, Jardine Fleming 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star 中華電力有限公司總經理(市場及客戶服務)顧爾言先生 Mr. Koo Yee-yin, Irving, General Manager - Marketing & Customer Services of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 執業律師陳家樂先生 Mr. Chan Kar-lok, Solicitor 香港大學副校長(學術及學生事務)黃紹倫敎授 Prof. Wong Siu Lun, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic & Student Affairs) of The University of Hong Kong 伯裘書院/伯裘女子中學/柏雨中學/鄉師同學會學校校長 譚萬鈞博士 Dr. Tam Man-kwan, Principal of Pak Kau College, Pak Kau Girl's School, Pak U Middle School and RTC A l umni Association School 銅英勇勳章 Medal for Bravery (Bronze) 政府飛行服務隊三級空勤員主任陳文狄先生 M r. Chan Man-tik, A ir Crewman Officer III, Government Flying Service 紀律部隊及廉政公署卓越/榮譽獎章 Distinguished Service Medals / Meritorious Service Medals for Disciplined Services and the Independent Commission Against Corruption 廉政公署助理處長黃世照先生 M r. Wong Sai-chiu, Assistant Director of I CAC 警務處高級警司張肇華先生 M r . Cheung Siu-wah, Charlie, Senior Superintendent of Police 警務處高級警司劉志強先生 Mr. Lau Chi-keung, Senior Superintendent of Police 警務處女總督察劉杜月霞女士 Mrs. Lau To Yuet-ha, Woman Chief Inspector of Police 警務處總警司鄧厚昇先生 M r . Tang Hau-sing, Richard, Chief Superintendent of Police 榮譽勳章 Medal of Honour 敎育評議會副主席何漢權先生 Mr. H o Hon-kuen, Vice-Chairman of the Education Convergence 佛敎何南金中學副校長曹敋啟樂先生 Mr. Tso Kai-lok, Vice-Principal of Buddhist H o Nam Kam College 前中大中國語言及文學系講師梁沛錦博士 Dr. Leung Pui-kam, former lecturer of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of The Chinese University 聖保羅書院小學校長梁松波先生 Mr. David Leung Chung-por, Headmaster of St. Paul's College Primary School 行政長官社區服務獎狀 Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service 基督敎香港信義會心誠中學校長陳耀華先生 Mr. Chan Yiu-wah, Principal of Fading Lutheran Secondary School 佛敎陳式宏學校校長盧佩珍女士 Ms. Lo Pui-chun, Headmistress of Buddhist Chan Shi Wan Primary School 一九九九至二零零零年度獲政府重要任命的中大校友 CUHK Alumni Appointed to Important Public Posts 1999-2000 陳志輝敎授 Prof. Chan Chi-fai 消費者委員會主席 Chairman of the Consumer Council 丘頌云先生 M r. Yau Chung-wan 中央政策組成員 Member of the Central Policy Unit 顧爾言先生 Mr. Koo Yee-yin, Irving 優質敎育基金督導委員會主席(續任) Chairman of the Quality Education Fund Steering Committee (re-appointment)