Annual Report 2000–01

工程學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering •工程學院獲創新及科技基金資助三大研究項目: —訊息工程學系李耀斌敎授及陳亮光敎授的「香港『互聯網組播技術』研發推廣計劃」,獲七百七十八萬八千 元資助。 一計算機科學與工程學系呂榮聰敎授、訊息工程學系黃永成敎授及系統工程與工程管理學系顏至宏敎授的「 語言數字視像內容中心」研究項目,獲五百九十八萬港元資助。 —系統工程與工程管理學系黃錦輝敎授、林偉敎授、楊傳智敎授與其他院校研究人員合作發展的「利用新聞標 示語言推廣傳媒業電子商貿」研究項目,獲六百零五萬八千八百港元資助。 •系統工程與工程管理學系獲利銘澤黃瑤璧慈善基金慷慨捐贈六百萬港元,與清華大學合作成立「中國企業互聯 網運作聯合研究中心」。 •訊息工程學系兩名學生表現傑出,獲得嘉許: —張敏康先生於二零零零年成為「朗信科技環球科學使者」,二零零一年更成為「高盛環球領袖」。 —唐廣斌先生獲二零零一年「香港計算機器學會電腦中國跳棋比賽」冠軍。 •系統工程與工程管理學系獲惠普公司捐助,於二零零一年一月成立「電子化服務系統實驗室」,開展研究並應 用量化決策方法和資訊科技,以提升香港服務業的效率。 •工程學院學系今年舉辦了兩個重要國際會議: —計算機科學與工程學系及電子工程學系於二零零一年六月在校圍合辦「醫學圖像與增強現實國際會議」。 —自動化與計算機輔助工程學系於二零零零年十月主辦「智能結構與微系統國際學術會議」,供國際知名學者 交流智能結構與微系統研究成果,並展望研究前景。 • The Faculty received three major grants from the Innovation and Technology Fund: —HK$7,788,000 was awarded to Profs. Jack Lee and Chen Lian Kuan of the Department of Informatio n Engineering for a project entitled 'Hong Kong IP Multicast Initiative'. —HK$5 , 980 , 000 was awarded to 'A Multilingual Digital Video Content Hub', a research project coordinated by Prof. Michael Lyu of the Department of Computer Science an d Engineering, Prof. Wong Win g Shing of the Department of Information Engineering, and Prof. Jerome Yen of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management. —HK$6,058,800 was awarded to 'Towards Cost-Effective E-busines s in the News Media and Publishing Industry Using NewsML', a project undertaken by Profs. K.F. Wong, Wai Lam, and Christopher Yang of the Department of Systems Engineerin g and Engineering Management, as well as researchers from other tertiary institutions. • The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management received a generous donation of HK$6 million from the Drs. Richard Charles and Esther Yewpick Lee Charitable Foundation for the establishment of a Joint R&D Centre with Tsinghua University to help develop Interne t operations for Chinese enterprises. • Two students of the Department of Information Engineering were honoured for their outstanding performance: — M r . Clement Cheung Man Hong received top honour in the world-wide Lucent Technologies Scholar s Scheme in 2000, and was named a Goldman Sachs Global Leader for 2001. — Mr. Bruce Tong Kwong-Bun was awarded the Winner Certificate in the 2001 ACM Hon g Kong Chapter Computer Chinese Checkers Competition. 24 學術發展 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT