Annual Report 2000–01

醫學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Medicine •全新的醫科課程已籌備妥當,將於二零零一年九月推行。新課程按照人體系統而非個別學系編排,著重培訓醫 科生的傳意技巧、臨床技巧和終身學習技巧,使他們畢業後仍能不斷更新知識,維持專業水平。學生也會提前 接觸臨床事務,學習如何將基礎醫學知識轉化為診療用途。 • 醫學院慶祝成立二十周年,假香港會議展覽中心舉行晚宴,出席的校友、敎職員及嘉賓逾千名。 •供醫科硏究生及公共衛生學院使用的深造中心於二零零一年六月二日舉行開幕典禮。中心的會議設備先進完 善,包括可容四百人的講學堂「逸夫講學堂」、容納二百人的演講廳「繼昌堂」、三間研討室、一個多用途室、 多間會議室及敎學室,全部附有高科技的遠程醫療設施。 •學院獲大學敎育資助委員會劃撥敎育發展基金,在威爾斯親王醫院成立了臨床技術學習中心,供醫科生在真正 接觸病人前,利用設備完善的實驗室預先學習臨床技術。 •由不同學系舉辦的重要會議共有十個,分別是: 一第一屆人胎腦的正常和異常發育國際會議(解剖學系) 一第二屆國際血漿及血清核酸研究會議暨第六屆香港癌症研究所周年科研會議(腫瘤學系與化學病理學系 —「婦女健康新知」科學會議(社區及家庭醫學系與香港流行病學會合辦) 一第十五屆國際消化治療內鏡學術研討會(內科及藥物治療學系與外科學系) 一第二屆香港助產學研討會——助產學的藝術與科學:邁向優質護理(護理學系與香港助產士會合辦) —二零零一年香港癌病護理研討會——癌病護理:護士積極性的臨床實踐(護理學系與威爾斯親王醫院腫瘤 科合辦) —亞太促進健康研討會(矯形外科及創傷學系) 一「第六屆亞洲肝膽胰外科學會會議」(外科學系與亞洲肝膽胰外科學會合辦) —「前列腺病的交流工作坊」(外科學系與香港泌尿外科學會合辦) —澳紐實驗動物協會二千年亞太區千禧科研會議(實驗動物中心與香港獸醫學會及香港大學合辦) • Preparations for the launch of a new curriculum in September 2001 were finalized. The new, integrated curriculum is organized along the lines of organ systems rather than traditional departmental boundaries. Skills that will enable the young doctor to competently perform the job of a medical practitioner and to sustain such competence after graduation will be emphasized and taught in a structured fashion. They include communication skills, clinical skills, and lifelong learning skills. Clinical contact wil l be introduced early in the curriculum, allowing students to put the basic medical sciences into perspective. • The Faculty celebrated its 20th anniversary this year. Over 1,000 alumni, staff, and guests participated in a gala dinner held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in June 2001. • The new Postgraduate Education Centre which houses conference facilities for postgraduate medical education and a School of Public Health was officially opened on 2nd June 2001. The centre has a 400-seat auditorium (the Shaw Auditorium), a 200-seat lecture theatre (Kai Chong Tong), three seminar rooms, a multifunction room, and a number of tutorial and meeting rooms, all equipped with state-of-the-ar t telemedicine facilities. • With the help of a teaching development grant from the University Grants Committee, the Faculty established a Clinical Skills Learning Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital, where medical student s will learn clinical skills in a controlled laboratory setting before being introduced to real patients in the wards or clinics. 26 學術發展 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT