Annual Report 2000–01

社會科學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Social Science •地理學系成立「環境政策與資源管理研究中心」,旨在促進和協調跨學系的環境科學研究。中心將參考尖端的 科研成果,並以獨立的分析和先進的技術,尋求紆解環境問題的方法,以確保人類社會的持續發展。 •新聞與傳播學院為慶祝三十五周年紀念,於二零零零年七月在大學袓堯堂舉辦「新紀元傳播新領域」國際會 議。參加者包括 Prof. Everett Rogers、Prof. David Weaver、Prof. Ronald Rice、 郭振羽敎授,以及來自美 國、英國、日本、新加坡、海峽兩岸的著名學者。 • 美國普林斯頓大學 Joseph Douglas Green 1895 經濟學講座敎授 Prof. Orley Ashenfelter , 應經濟學系邀請,出 任偉倫訪問敎授,並於二零零零年十二月十四日主持公開講座,探討「敎育的經濟回報究竟有多大」。 •因應社會工作專業人士的需要,社會工作學系開設一年制社會工作學士後文憑課程,該課程分三個專門研究範 疇:人類福祉服務管理、高級臨床實務、研究及程序評估。 •社會學系與中山大學社會學系及美國匹茲堡大學於二零零零年十一月在中大校園合辦「社會學與轉變中的中國 社會——楊慶堃紀念研討會」,由楊敎授生前同學兼好友、北京大學費孝通敎授主持開幕典禮。十二月四日, 該系接續舉辦主題相同的學術研討會,出席者包括約三十名來自內地主要大學的年青社會學家。 • The Centre for Environmental Policy and Resource Management was established under the Department of Geography to facilitate and coordinate interdisciplinary and interdepartmental research in environmental science. The centre's vision is to resolve environmental problems for the benefit of the present an d future generations through critical analysis, scientific advancement, and application of frontier research findings. • To celebrate its 35th anniversary, the School of Journalism and Communication organize d an international conference on 'Communication Frontiers in the New Millennium' in July 2000 at the Cho Yiu Conferenc e Hall. Conference participants included Prof. Everett Rogers, Prof. David Weaver, Prof . Ronald Rice, Prof. Eddie Kuo and many other prominent scholars from the US, UK, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, and mainland China . • The Department of Economics invited Prof. Orley Ashenfelter, Joseph Douglas Green 1895 Professor of Economics of Princeton University to be Wei Lun Visiting Professor 2000. An expert i n the rigorous quantitative evaluation of social programmes, Prof. Ashenfelter gave a public lecture o n 'How Large Is the Economic Payoff to Education?' on 14th December 2000. • In response to the increasing demand fo r the enrichment of professional knowledge at the postgraduate level, the Department of Social Work introduced the one-yea r Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Social Wor k with three specializations: human service management, advanced clinical practice, and research and programme evaluation. • In November 2000, the Department of Sociology co-organized an international conference on 'Sociology and Chinese Society in Transition — A Conference on the Legacy of Yang Ching-kun' with the Departmen t of Sociology of Zhongshan University and the University of Pittsburgh on CUHK campus. Prof. Fei Xiaotong, an internationally renowned sociologist from Peking University, officiated at the opening ceremony. On 4th December 2000, the department hosted another conference on the same theme, which was attended by some 30 young sociologists from major universities on the mainland. 30 學術發展 ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT