Annual Report 2000–01

二零零零至二零零一年度研究成果分布圖 Distribution of Research Output 2000-2001 專 利 權 中大向來鼓勵敎研人員申請研究成果的專利權, 又協助他們把新發明及新技術轉移作工商業用 途。 由於所有專利申請都經校方嚴格挑選,是以為 數不多,但大學敎研人員所取得的專利權數量卻 是穩步增長。截至二零零一年六月止,中大及其 敎研人員已取得專利共二十三項(包括二十項 美國專利、兩項中國專利及一項歐洲專利), 涵蓋生物技術、資訊科技、藥物、醫療技術, 以及材料科學。很多已獲專利權的科技,更透過 新成立的分拆公司或特許使用協議,進軍國際 市場。 Patents The University encourages staff members to have their new inventions and discoveries patented, and to transfer new technology to the community for practical use. The University's patent portfolio has been growing steadily despite selectivity in filing patent applications. As of June 2001, the University and its staff members secured 23 patents (20 US, two Chinese, and one European) covering various fields in biotechnology, information technology, pharmaceuticals, medical technology, as well as materials science. Patented technologies were frequently transferred through spin-off companies or licensed to companies worldwide. 38 研究 RESEARCH