Annual Report 2001–02
學術會議 Academic Conferences 「中國現代思想的演變」學術硏討會〔二零零一年八月二十三至二十五日) The a c a d e m ic conference on Contemporary Chinese Thinking (23rd to 25th August 2001) 「生物技術與作物改良:最新進展及對發展中地區之影響」硏討會 (二零零二年七月十五至十九日) A c a d em ic Conference on Biotechnology a nd Crop Improvement: Recent Developments a nd Impacts on Developing World (15th to 19th July 2002) The a c a d e m ic conferenc e on 'Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical Development' (29th October 2001) 「第四屆潮州學國際硏討會」(二零零一年十一月二十二至二十四日) The Fourth International Conference on Chaozhou Studies (22nd to 24th November 2001) a c a d e m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 學術發展 21
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