Annual Report 2001–02
工程學院重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of Engineering 口學院今年慶祝成立十周年,舉辦了一連串活動,包括: •邀請國家科學技術部副部長馬頌德敎授於二零零一年 十一月九日主持傑出學者講座,闡述內地高新科技的 發展策略和「八六三」計劃;香港應用科技硏究院有 限公司行政總裁黃兆永敎授則應邀主講香港高新科技 的發展機遇與挑戰。 •同日舉行第二期工程學大樓動土典禮。 •同日又舉辦「創新與科技展覽2001」,參展單位包括 經由學院協助創立的八間公司。 •美國麻省理工學院電機工程與計算機科學敎授舒維都 敎授,於二零零二年五月二十八日應邀主持另一傑出 學者講座,講題為「麻省理工學院的『活氧計劃』」, 介紹新一代以人為本、具雙向溝通能力的人性化電 腦。 口該院敎師應邀為六十多種國際學術期刊擔任評審。 口該院學生在公開比賽屢獲殊榮,包括: •二零零二年「計算機器學會香港分會電腦程式設計比 賽」冠軍 •二零零二年「高盛環球領袖」 •二零零一至二零零二年度「尤德爵士紀念硏究獎學 金」 •二零零二年「計算機器學會香港分會電腦中國跳棋比 賽」冠軍 •電機暨電子工程師學會二零零二年亞太區(第十區) 硏究生論文競賽第二名 •電機暨電子工程師學會二零零一年香港分會硏究生論 文競賽第一名 •電機工程師學會二零零一年年獎 • J 2 ME 公開程式設計比賽銀獎 •二零零一年「朗訊科技全球優秀學生獎勵計劃」 •二零零一至二零零二年度「利希慎基金會中國學生硏 究獎學金」 口學院獲創新及科技基金大力資助,開展七項尖端硏究項 目,總經費逾三千六百萬港元。 口學院今年開設兩項全新的本科課程,計為「創新與設計工 程學」及「互聯網工程學」,深受預科生歡迎。 口 The faculty celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2001-2: • On 9th November 2001, Prof. Songde Ma, Vice Minister, Ministry of Science and Technology, delivered a distinguished lecture entitled 'The High Tech Development Strategies and "863" Programme of China'. Prof. Simon Wong, CEO of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Co. Ltd., spoke on 'Opportunities and Challenges for High Tech Development in Hong Kong.' • The ground-breaking ceremony of the Engineering Building Phase II took place on the same day. • An IT Fair also opened on that day, with eight spin-off companies of the faculty exhibiting their products at the fair. • A Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Victor Zue, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at MIT, was held on 28th May 2002. The title of the lecture was 'Project OXYGEN: Towards Pervasive, Human-centred Computing'. 口 Teachers of the faculty were invited to serve as editors/associate editors for more than 60 international journals. 口 Students of the faculty won many awards and prizes in important local and overseas competitions, including: • Championship in the ACM Hong Kong Chapter Scholastic Programming Contest 2002; • Goldman Sachs Global Leader for 2002; • Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowships for postgraduate students 2001-2; • Champion of the ACM Hong Kong Chapter Computer Chinese Checkers Competition 2002; • Second Prize in IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest 2002; • First Prize in IEEE HK Section 2001 Postgraduate Student Paper Contest; • The IEE Prize 2001; • Silver Award of the Java 2 Micro Edition-based Application 02ME) Open Competition; • Lucent Global Science Scholars Award 2001; and • The Lee Hysan Foundation Ltd. Postgraduate Studentship for Mainland Students 2001- 2. 口 Seven projects undertaken by members of the faculty were allocated grants totalling HK$36,130,000 from the Innovation and Technology Fund: • 'Novel Technologies for High-Performance Vibration Damping and Compact Motion- stages for Electronics Manufacturing Equipment'; • 'Eco-safe Human-motion-powered MEMs Energy Generator Mobile Electronics Devices'; • 'The "Author Once, Present Everywhere" (AOPA) Software Platform'; • 'Photonic Packaging Laboratory'; • 'Development of Technologies on Networked Smart Toys'; • 'Development of Medical Devices and Nano-biosensors to Promote Medical Electronic Industry in Hong Kong'; • 'Interface Software for Cluster Computing: Providing Cost-effective Computational Turn-key Solutions to Local Industries'. 口 The undergraduate programmes in Internet engineering and innovation and design engineering were launched during the year and very well received. 學術發展 a c a d e m i c d e v e l o p m e n t 28
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