Annual Report 2001–02
場定位和各職級之間的關係。檢討後之有關修訂已 切實執行。 校方由二零零二年一月起實施新制訂的非臨床敎師 進階安排,參照北美大學的職級制度,把敎學人員 分為助理敎授、副敎授、敎授(包括兩個級別)和 講座敎授四個主要級別。敎師之獲聘和進階,須經 嚴格的評審程序。新安排有利進一步提升敎師的水 平,並獎勵表現卓越的僱員。 大學亦實施一套有關審議合約僱員續聘的指引,供 各院系及部門參考,加強僱員與管方的溝通。 為提供更佳的醫療福利,「額外門診服務計劃」的 補助範圍擴展至經特約診所轉介的某些基本診症檢 查和化驗。有關服務由二零零二年七月一日起試 行,為期一年。 Professor of a subject/speciality were adopted, based on the North American academic titling system. Appointment or advancement to the appropriate level continues to be subject to rigorous review. The scheme seeks to reinforce the academic achievement of the academic staff while allowing progression opportunity at appropriate junctures. The University also streamlined the review for renewal of staff appointments made on fixed-term contracts by updating the procedural guidelines for the reference of departments and units, helping to clarify the process of the appointments concerned. To provide enhanced medical services to staff members, the coverage of the Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme was extended during the year to include certain basic medical investigations referred by or conducted through clinics on contract with the University, with effect from 1st July 2002, on a one-year trial basis. STAFF 教職員 59
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