Annual Report 2001–02
名列二零零二年香港特別行政區授勳名單的中大校友 CUHK A l umni on the 2002 HKSAR Honours List 銀 紫 荊 星 章 Silver Bauhinia Star 前廣播處長及前香港駐東京經濟貿易首席代表張敏儀女士 Miss Cheung Man-yee, former Director of Broadcasting and former Principal Hong Kong Economic and Trade Representative in Tokyo 香港中文大學中醫中藥硏究所管理委員會主席及新亞書院院長梁秉中敎授 Prof. Leung Ping-chung, Chairman of the Management Committee of the CUHK Institute of Chinese Medicine and Head of New Asia College, CUHK 銅 紫 荊 星 章 Bronze Bauhinia Star 職業訓練局理事會副主席及職業安全健康局主席伍達倫博士 Dr. Ng Tat-lun, Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Vocational Training Council and Chairman of the Occupational Safety and Health Council 香港中文大學生物化學系兼任敎授曹宏威敎授 Prof. Tso Wung-wai, Adjunct Professor of the Department of Biochemistry, CUHK 前香港演藝學院戲劇學院院長鍾景輝先生 Mr. Chung King-fai, former Dean of Drama, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 紀 律 部 隊 及 廉 政 公 署 榮 譽 獎 章 Meritorious Service Medals for Disciplined Services and the Independent Commission Against Corruption 懲敎署懲敎事務高級監督黃德誠先生 Mr. Wo ng Tack-sing, Senior Superintendent of the Correctional Services Department 榮 譽 勳 章 Medal of Honour 荃灣區議會民選議員陳金霖先生 Mr. Chan Kam-lam, elected member of Tsuen Wan District Council 香港中文大學敎育心理學系系主任及香港敎育硏究所副所長侯傑泰敎授 Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Chairman of the Department of Educational Psychology and Associate Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK 香港敎育學院敎務長、首席講師及香港敎育學院亞太敎育領導及學校質素中心專家會員張永明博士 Dr. Cheung Wing-ming, Francis, Registrar, Principal Lecturer and Expert Member of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Education Leadership and School Quality of The Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港藝術發展局委員及香港中文大學語文自學中心主任張秉權博士 Dr. Cheung Ping-kuen, member of Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Programme Director of the Independent Learning Centre, CUHK 行 政 長 官 社 區 服 務 獎 狀 Chief Executive's Commendation for Community Service 北區區議會民選議員周錦紹先生 Mr. Chow Kam-siu, Joseph, elected member of North District Council s t u d e n t s a n d a l u m n i 學生及校友 69
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