Annual Report 2001–02

校園建設與環境保護 Campus Development and Environment Protection 中大今年全面檢討校園的整體規劃藍圖,評估長遠 發展所需。校方亦曾向敎資會表達有關校園北區 ( 即政府之規劃分區三十九和六十六)的策略性發 展構思。另一方面,多個主要建築項目於年中獲政 府撥款,動工興建。 基建工程 三個總值約六億七千三百萬港元的基建項目於二零 零二年四月獲政府正式撥款興建,計為 • 大 學 本 部 科 學 實 驗 室 專 門 大 樓; • 威 爾 斯 親 王 醫 院 臨 床 醫 學 大 樓 新 翼; • 第 十 一 期 斜 坡 鞏 固工 程 。 大學行政樓新翼及敎育學院在校園北區擴建的籌備 工作亦大致完成,兩者均獲敎資會支持,列為二零 零三至二零零四年度予以考慮撥款的項目。 In the year 2001-2, campus master planning was reviewed to gauge the University's longer term development requirements. UGC support was sought for various development proposals at the northern campus near land Areas 39 and 66 where preliminary strategic developments were conceived. Formal funding allocation was secured for many major proposals, which were able to move from the design desk to actual implementation at site. Major Capital Programmes Three projects at an estimated total cost of some HK$673 million were formally approved for implementation in April 2002: • a purpose-designed building for centralized science laboratories; • extension facilities for the clinical departments of the Faculty of Medicine at the Prince of Wales Hospital; and • slope stabilization on the University campus, phase 11. Meantime, preparation work on the extension to the University Administration Building and extension facilities for the Faculty of Education was largely completed. Both projects secured UGC support for funding consideration in the 2003-4 resource allocation exercise. In January 2002, approval in principle was obtained from the UGC for building an academic building at the University's northern campus, intended to be phase II of the extension facilities for the Faculty of Education, and a composite teaching building complex on the western campus. 大學本部科學實驗室 專門大樓地盤 Site for the purpose- designed building for centralized science laboratories 校園建設與環境保護 c a m p u s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n 76