Annual Report 2001–02
二零零二年一月,敎資會原則上批准大學在校園北 區興建一座學術大樓(作為上述敎育學院擴建設施 的第二期工程),以及在校園西區興建一座綜合敎 學大樓。 大型翻新及改善工程 崇基的何善衡夫人宿舍和文質堂,以及新亞的誠明 館正進行大型翻新工程,而校本部、新亞和聯合校 園的食水供應系統亦正陸續更新。 於今年裝修完竣的有新亞學思樓、聯合伯利衡宿 舍 、 崇 基 蘭 苑 和 聯 誼 會 、 大 學 保 健 醫 療中 心 、 大學圖書館、設於何東夫人堂的國際交流中心,以 及 位 於 港 島 中 環 美 國 銀 行 大 廈 的全 新 敎 學 中 心。 興建中及已完成之工程 新亞書院紫霞樓已竣工,並於二零零二年六月啟 用,為本科生提供三百個宿位,該樓連接志文樓的 行人天橋可望於八月底完成。聯合書院的陳震夏學 生宿舍上蓋工程即將動工。 工程學大樓第二期地基工程進展順利,上蓋工程將 如期於二零零二年九月展開。五旬節會樓(前硏究 院宿舍)翻新工程已接近尾聲,其低座於七月啟 用,高座則預計於九月啟用。 崇基路第一期擴闊路面及牌樓重建工程已完竣,第 二期工程包括修築迴旋處及鞏固許讓成樓附近的斜 坡,進度亦令人滿意。位於校園東區的第三個入口 的改善工程已大致完成,提供安全及便利的出入交 通管道。 敎學酒店動土儀式於二零零一年十二月十九曰舉 行,有關的土地勘察工程亦於二零零二年三月完 成。 Alteration, Addition and Improvement Works Approval was granted by the UGC during the year for the major renovation of Madam S.H. Ho Hall and Wen Chih Tang on the Chung Chi campus, the enhancement of facilities at Cheng Ming Building on the New Asia campus, and the replacement of aged potable water distribution systems on the central campus, New Asia campus, and United campus. Fitting-out and renovation projects completed in 2001-2 include the major refurblishment of Xuesi Hall at New Asia and Bethlehem Hall at United College, the major renovation of Orchid Lodge and the Staff Club of Chung Chi College, the renovation of the University Health Centre and the University Library building, the establishment of the International House at Lady Ho Tung Hall, and the fitting-out of a new teaching centre at the Bank of America Tower in Central on Hong Kong Island. Ongoing Projects and Completed Works Daisy Li Hall, the new 300-bed student hostel on the New Asia campus, was completed and commissioned for use in June 2002. Construction of a footbridge connection to Grace Tien Hall would be completed in late August. On the campus of United College superstructural work for a new student hostel would soon begin. The progress of foundation construction of Engineering Building Phase II was satisfactory, with superstructural work being scheduled for September 2002. The renovation of the Pentecostal Mission Hall Complex (formerly known as the Postgraduate Hall Complex) reached its final stage, with the low block completed for occupation in July and the high block targetted for occupation in September. Phase I works for the widening of Chung Chi Road and the construction of a replacement arch at the entrance were 紫霞樓 Daisy Li Hall c a m p u s d e v e l o p m e n t a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n 校園建設與環境保護 77
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