Annual Report 2001–02

左圖:領袖培育課程其中一項活動 Left: A glimpse of a non-formal activity of the Leadership Development Programme Right: 2001 freshmen from mainland China 領袖培育課程 今年我們又於本科課程加入「領袖培育」的新元 素,開設特別課程供有潛質的學生修讀,發展他們 的領導才能。該課程所著重的並非傳統的課堂學 習,而是不同類型的增值培訓活動,以鼓勵學員多 方面追求卓越,在日益全球化的大環境之下,勇於 擔當領袖的角色。 加速國際化 由於高等敎育正面對激烈的全球競爭,中大必須加 速校園和課程的國際化。大學高層於二零零二年三 月舉行的策略性規劃工作坊上,詳細討論了這個議 題,其後決定採取實質措施,鼓勵更多科目以英語 為授課語言,以及開設更多跨文化科目。待政府首 肯放寬非本地生所佔學額的百分比之後,校方更會 探討如何招收更多非本地學生。敎資會早前承諾在 未來三年提供額外經費支持學生交換計劃,無疑為 校園國際化打了強心針。中大正積極發掘新的交換 夥伴,並與原來的夥伴加強合作,為迎接更多交換 生做好準備。我們相信這些學生將為中大的校園加 添國際色彩,營造跨文化學習的有利條件。另一方 面,我們會全力爭取更多捐款,資助中大學生往外 地作短期學習,以豐富他們的體驗,擴闊他們的眼 界。 achievements. We now see this Early Admissions Scheme not only as a means to further diversify the channels of admission but also an attempt on a small scale to revert to a four-year curriculum, which has the blessing of the HKSAR government but which, unfortunately, is unlikely to become a reality before 2013 due to the lack of sufficient resources. Whereas similar schemes were introduced by other local universities during the same year, it is The Chinese University that has attracted the largest number of applicants. We believe we have successfully attracted many truly outstanding students to stay in Hong Kong to pursue their tertiary education at the University. Leadership Development Another new element introduced this year to our undergraduate curriculum is an enrichment progamme especially designed for students with leadership potential. Marked by non-conventional courses and non-formal activities, the programme is an example of our continuous efforts to provide 'value-added' education for those who aspire after excellence and who are ready to take up leadership roles in an increasingly globalized world. Efforts at Internationalization The impact of globalization on higher education has also prompted us to further internationalize our campus and our curriculum. Following deliberations by senior management VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 校長報告 5