Annual Report 2001–02

李國章校長主持任內最後一次策略性規劃工 作坊(二零零二年三月) The last Strategic Planning Workshop h e a d ed by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Arthur K.C. Li (March 2002) 如博士(現任敎資會主席)和郭炳聯博士。他們熱 心公益,致力推動香港高等敎育的發展,憑著睿智 和識見協助大學解決了不少困難,渡過財政緊絀的 日子,為中大的有效管治和持續成長作出了重大貢 獻。中大之所以得到社會上的廣泛支持,不斷進 步,實有賴他們廣闊的人脈、在社會上的影響力, 以及對大學發展的處處關心。 我同樣感激校董會其他成員和大學主管人員的多方 配合,竭誠襄助;大學敎職員工的盡忠職守,任 勞任怨;以及眾多校友的同心協力,無私奉獻。就 是憑著各人的精誠合作,中大方可於過去六年維持 一貫的高水準,屢創佳績。我要再次向他們敬表謝 忱。 今年新猷 至於二零零一至二零零二年的大學發展,有幾項新 猷須記一筆。 優先錄取計劃 本校於二零零二年三月推出新計劃,錄取(或有條 件錄取)少數中六尖子學生,讓他們可以提早一 年,即於二零零二年九月入讀中大的本科課程。過 去數年,我們陸續推出「校長推薦計劃」、「自薦 計劃」和「運動員獎學金計劃」,旨在擴闊收生渠 道,充分考慮申請者在學業以外的表現。今年推出 的「優先錄取計劃」,不但繼承了上述計劃的一貫 精神,更是本校回復四年學制的小規模試驗。特區 政府已表態支持四年制的本科課程,惟因資源所 限,難以在二零一三年之前全面實行;而我們這項 新計劃實有助吸引更多精英學生留港接受高等敎 育。雖然本地其他大學也推出相類的優先錄取計 劃,但以申請人數來計算,中大名列首位,最受歡 迎。 A Vote of Thanks All this would not have been possible without the support, encouragement, and guidance from many people during my term as Vice-Chancellor. To them I owe an enormous debt of gratitude. I am particularly grateful to the two Council chairmen with whom I have worked, Dr. Q.W. Lee and Dr. Lee Hon Chiu, and the two vice-chairmen, Dr. Alice K.Y. Lam (now chair of the University Grants Committee) and Dr. Raymond Kwok. All of them public-spirited individuals dedicated to promoting higher education in Hong Kong, their wisdom and foresight have guided the University through difficult periods and financial stringency, and contributed significantly to its effective governance and continuous growth. It is very much through their extensive connections, social influence, and tireless efforts that the University has been able to amass the public support necessary to sustain its growth. I am equally appreciative of the cooperation and staunch support given me by the Officers of the University and other lay members of the Council, the hardwork and loyal service of many colleagues at the University, and the selfless contribution of many alumni. It is through their concerted efforts that the University maintains its consistently high standards and is able to go from strength to strength. I wish to pay my personal tribute to them all. A Year of Many New Initiatives Turning back to the year under review, several new initiatives are worth mentioning. Early Admissions Scheme First of all, an innovative admissions scheme was introduced in March this year whereby firm or conditional admission offers were granted to a small number of top Secondary 6 students to begin their undergraduate studies one year earlier in September 2002. Over the last few years we have instituted different channels such as the School Principals' Nomination Scheme, the Self-recommendation Scheme, and the Sports Scholarship Scheme to make our admissions mechanism more flexible and to emphasize non-academic 校長報告 VICE-CHANCELLOR'S REVIEW 4