Annual Report 2002–03

二零零二至二零零三年度研究所所長 Directors of Research Institutes 2002 - 2003 亞太工商研究所 Asia-Pacific Institute of Business 楊瑞輝 Leslie Young 香港癌症硏究所 Hong Kong Cancer Institute 黃潘慧仙 Huang Poon Wai-sin, Dolly 香港亞太研究所 Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies 楊汝萬 Yeung Yue-man 香港敎育硏究所 Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research 盧乃桂 Leslie N.K. Lo 中醫中藥硏究所 Institute of Chinese Medicine 梁秉中 P.C. Leung (中醫中藥硏究所管理委員會主席) (Chairman of the Management Committee of the Institute of Chinese Medicine) 中國文化硏究所 Institute of Chinese Studies 蘇芳淑 So Fong-suk, Jenny 數學科學硏究所 The Institute of Mathematical Sciences 丘成桐 Yau Shing-tung 光科技硏究所 Institute of Optical Science and Technology 林清隆 Chinlon Lin (自二零零三年一月七日起) (from 7th January 2003) 理工硏究所 Institute of Science and Technology 劉煥明 Lau Woon-ming, Leo 人文學科硏究所 Research Institute for the Humanities 王宏志 Wong Wang-chi, Lawrence 香港生物科技硏究院有限公司 Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Ltd. 梁瑞安 Shawn Leung (至二零零二年十二月三十一日止) (until 31st December 2002) 生物科技硏究所(兼管香港生物科技 硏究院有限公司) Institute of Biotechnology (also assumes responsibility for Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology Ltd.) 何國強 Walter K.K. Ho (自二零零三年一月一日起) (from 1st January 2003) 領導層嬗變 Leadership Evolution 19