Annual Report 2002–03

•中醫藥學哲學博士課程 •性別硏究哲學博士課程 教與學的素質 是年大學敎育資助委員會就受其資助的八所高等 院校進行了第二輪「敎與學質素保證過程檢討」, 檢討小組於二零零二年九月十六及十七日訪問本 校,這次檢討進一步加強了大學敎職員對敎與學 素質的承擔。 中大設有兩個專責部門,為敎與學的發展提 供支援;它們分別是學能提升硏究中心和醫 學院的敎硏服務部,兩者於今年共舉辦了八 十九項課程,參加的敎師和敎學助理逾一千 人。這些課程專為個別學院學系而設,形式 包括工作坊、硏討會和支援班,主題涵蓋敎 學、課程和評核設計,以至科技在敎學上的 應用。課程內容獲相關的硏究計劃支援,包 括成人學習的模式和需要,以及新敎學模式 的成效。 另,校內的語文自學中心今年設計並建立了 一個嶄新的網上學習系統,讓學生更靈活地 學習英語,並了解自己的英語水平,知道應 該使用甚麼自學網站進修。 the two units offered 89 programmes for over 1,000 teachers and teaching assistants. These programmes, tailored to individual faculty and departmental needs, included workshops, seminars and individualized help sessions, and covered topics in instruction, curriculum and assessment design as well as the use of educational technologies. Supplementing these activities were related research projects to explore adult learning models and needs, and the effectiveness of teaching innovations. Another area of emphasis was language enhancement. One of the new initiatives for this purpose in 2002-3 was the launch of a web-based 大學連續第四年舉辦校長模範敎學獎,嘉許有卓越表現的敎師。 Outstanding teachers were formally recognized at the fourth Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award presentation ceremony. 2 2 香 港 中 文 大學 年 報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003