Annual Report 2002–03

(1) 李遠哲敎授 (右) Prof. Lee Yuan-tseh (right) (2) Prof. Donald J. Munro 部項懷誠部長、美國密西根大學哲學系與東亞系 榮休敎授 Prof. Donald J. Mu n r o 、地理學家陳述 彭敎授、台灣大學藝術史硏究所傅申敎授、清華 大學醫學院副院長陳明哲敎授、洛杉磯加州大學 物理科學學院院長陳繁昌敎授、劍橋大學管理學 講座敎授 Prof. Michael Dempster 、德國埃森大學 人體運動科學系生物力學敎授 P r o f . Ewald M. H e n n i g 、倫敦大學中國語文榮休講座敎授 P r o f . Hugh D.R. Baker 等。 另一方面,中大文物館今年舉辦多項展覽,並輔 以硏討會、講座、刊物等,又新添中國文物之免 費鑑定服務,增進社會人士對中國文物藝術的認 識和欣賞。 Germany; Prof. Hugh D.R. Baker, professor emeritus of Chinese at the University of London. The University's Art Museum continued to serve the local community by promoting the appreciation of Chinese art through exhibitions, publications, talks, and seminars. In 2002-3 a new programme was introduced to provide free authentication services to Chinese art lovers and collectors. During the year, the Art Museum staged two special exhibitions, each accompanied by a symposium. The exhibition entitled 'Yuan and Ming Blue and White Ware from Jiangxi' was organized with Jiangxi Museum, whereas 'A Legacy of the Song Imperial Archives — 1010th Anniversary of the Chunhua Ge Model Letters' was part of a research project on the rubbing collection of the Art Museum. Both exhibitions included items on loan from public and private collections. 6 2 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003