Annual Report 2002–03

On-line Enquiry System for Staff Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Information Technology Services Centre, the Bursary, and the Personnel Office, a new Staff Self-service Enquiry System (SSES) was launched in November 2002 to provide staff members with web-based access to their employment-related personal data, such as their entitlements to medical benefits, current balance of retirement benefits, payroll data and housing benefits, as well as their records on outside practice. Enhancement to the SSES is still ongoing to expand the scope of information provided. 員,如於首年後仍需繼續養病,則可利用本身應 得之全薪病假來延長全薪的工傷病假。 僱員個人資料查詢系統 由資訊科技服務處、財務處及人事處合作籌劃的 「僱員個人資料查詢系統」,於二零零二年十一月 起正式投入服務,方便全職敎職員利用互聯網查 閲自己在大學任職的個人資料/紀錄及可享有的福 利」,包括醫療福利、退休金計劃結存、薪金、住 屋津貼、校外專業服務紀錄等。類似資料將陸續 增加,以方便網上查閲。 敎職員 Staff 73