Annual Report 2002–03

departments are also enriched by the input of many alumni who share their experiences with their mentees. The alumni community continued to make donations to support developments of the University, the colleges and the academic departments. Their contribution to the CUHK General Endowment Fund has helped finance many recurrent activities and special projects. The outbreak of SARS in Hong Kong in early March 2003 posed serious challenges to the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH). For months, CUHK alumni working in PWH demonstrated their bravery and persistence in 非典型肺炎於二零零三年三月初在香港爆發,中 大敎學醫院威爾斯親王醫院首當其衝,眾多參與 該院醫護服務的校友緊守崗位,奮力迎戰;於屯 門醫院服務的校友謝婉雯醫生主動請纓駐守「非 典」病房,因搶救病人而受感染,其後離世,成 為本港公立醫院對抗「非典」戰中首位殉職的醫 生,大學師生深切惋悼之餘,亦為謝校友捨己為 在崇基禮拜堂舉行的謝婉雯醫生 (右) 追思會 The memorial service for Dr. Tse Yuen-man (right), 1992 graduate of the University, held at the Chung Chi Chapel in May 2003 學 生 及 校友 Students and Alumni 85