Annual Report 2002–03

齊關 心 基金舉辦抗炎活動 An anti-SARS activity of the WE CARE Foundation 人之仁勇感到光榮。中大校友在三月杪發起募捐 「齊關心基金」,支援威爾斯親王醫院前線醫護人 員在非常時期的需要,獲得各界廣泛支持,該基 金其後將支援擴展至其他公立醫院。而中大校友 的「一百萬個多謝」網頁錄得近二千句校友及社會 人士對醫護人員的感謝、鼓勵和祝福。有關訊息 將製成光碟,贈與前線醫護人員留念。 目前中大校友網絡遍及全球,校友會超過七十 個,各校友會均與母校保持緊密聯繫。由中大全 體畢業生組成的「香港中文大學評議會」,正進行 立法程序以易名為「香港中文大學校友評議會」。 評議會在二零零三年籌款設立了「中大校友評議 會傑出服務及創意學生獎基金」,每年設三個獎 項,頒予在社會服務、校內服務或創意方面有傑 出表現的中大本科生。「香港中文大學校友會聯 會敎育基金會有限公司」則繼續在本港建校興 學,除已開辦的幼稚園、小學各一間及中學兩間 外,亦計劃再增辦一間幼稚園。基金會亦繼續致 力籌款支持內地貧困地區發展小學敎育,除組織 個別校友捐款資助學童的學費和書簿費外,今年 更增建了三間中大校友會小學,連同仍在籌建的 七間,基金會在內地興辦的小學總數將達二十 間,反映了中大校友對下一代敎育的關注和承 擔。 the fight against the disease. Dr. Tse Yuen-man, an alumna who volunteered to serve in the SARS wards, contracted the disease while attending to patients and passed away in May. In late March, CUHK alumni established the WE CARE Foundation to provide timely relief to frontline workers in PWH. The foundation was later extended to cover other public hospitals. The Million Thanks Campaign website set up by CUHK alumni also collected close to 2,000 messages of thanks, encouragement, and blessing to health care workers in Hong Kong. Plans are underway to put these messages in a CD which will be presented as souvenirs to hospital workers. There is now a world-wide CUHK alumni network of over 70 alumni associations to foster linkages between the University and its graduates. The CUHK Convocation, with all CUHK graduates as its members, started legislative procedures to have its Chinese name changed. In 2003, the CUHK Convocation established a 'CUHK Convocation Outstanding Services and Creativity Students Awards Foundation' through fund- raising, to provide three awards each year to undergraduates with outstanding performances in social services, university services, or creativity. In addition to operating a kindergarten, a primary school and two secondary schools in Hong Kong, the Education Foundation of the Federation of CUHK Alumni Associations was planning to open another new kindergarten. Meantime the foundation continued to raise funds to support education in poverty-stricken areas in China. Apart from soliciting alumni donations to sponsor books and tuition fees for individual school children, the foundation established three more alumni primary schools in 2002-3. Together with seven other primary schools being planned, the total number of the schools sponsored by the foundation in mainland China will soon reach 20. 8 6 香 港 中 文 大 學 年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003