Annual Report 2002–03

名列二零零三年香港特别行政區授勳及嘉獎名單的中大校友 CUHK Alumni on the 2003 HKSAR Honours List 銀紫荊星章 Silver Bauhinia Star •前郵政署署長陸炳泉先生 Mr. Luk Ping-chuen, former Postmaster General 銅紫荊星章 Bronze Bauhinia Star •前敎育署高級助理署長李慶煇先生 Mr. Lee Hing-fai, former Senior Assistant Director of Education •人體器官移植委員會主席及香港醫務委員會委員鄭曹志安女士 Mrs. Cheng Cho Chi-on, Chairman of Human Organ Transplant Board and Council Member of the Medical Council of Hong Kong •前房屋署助理署長鄭耀剛先生 Mr. Cheng Yao-kong, former Assistant Director of Housing 紀律部隊及廉政公署榮譽獎章 Meritorious Service Medals for Disciplined Services and the Independent Commission Against Corruption •警務處總督察張匯先生 Mr. Cheung Wui, Thomas, Chief Inspector of Police, Hong Kong Police Force •入境事務處首席入境事務主任韋泉先生 Mr. Wai Chuen, Principal Immigration Officer, Immigration Department 榮譽勳章 Medal of Honour •香港敎育學院敎育政策與行政系李榮安敎授 Prof. Lee Wing-on, Professor and Principal Lecturer, Department of Educational Policy and Administration, The Hong Kong Institute of Education •香港葵涌醫院高級醫生及香港善導會執行委員會委員張建良醫生 Dr. Cheung Kin-leung, Ben, Senior Medical Officer, Kwai Chung Hospital and Executive Committee Member of SRACP, Hong Kong •中華基督敎會銘基書院校長及前津貼中學議會主席許俊炎先生 Mr. Hui Chin-yim, Stephen, Principal of CCC Ming Kei College and former Chairman of the Hong Kong Subsidized Secondary Schools Council •明愛華德中書院校長陳周碧瑤女士 Mrs. Chan Chow Pik-yiu, Amy, Principal, Caritas Charles Vath College •天主敎普照中學校長馮錦照先生 Mr. Fung Kam-chiu, Principal, Po Chiu Catholic Secondary School •二零零二年亞運會女子壁球金牌得主趙詠賢女士 Ms. Chiu Wing-yin, Rebecca, 2002 Asian Games Gold Medallist in Women's Squash Singles •香港仔街坊福利會社會服務中心總幹事黎志棠先生 Mr. Lai Chi-tong, Director, Aberdeen Kai-fong Welfare Association Social Service Centre 行政長官社區/公共服務獎狀 Chief Executive's Commendation for Community/Government/Public Service •香港遊樂場協會總幹事梁偉權先生 Mr. Leung Wai-kuen, Edward, Executive Director, Hong Kong Playground Association •黃大仙區議會民選議員許錦成先生 Mr. Hui Kam-shing, Elected Member of Wong Tai Sin District Council •香港明愛社會工作督導主任黎永開先生 Mr. Lai Wing-hoi, Frederick, Caritas Hong Kong Social Work Supervisor •禁毒專員盧古嘉利女士 Mrs. Lo Ku Ka-lee, Clarie, Commissioner for Narcotics •警務處總警司劉志強先生 Mr. Lau Chi-keung, Chief Superintendent of Police, Hong Kong Police Force 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 87