Annual Report 2002–03

圖書館電子資源入門網站「道」的啟用儀式 Launch of D A O, the portal for all library resources 新猷 今年校方按學生所需放寬了視聽資料的借閲政 策,學生可借出視聽資料在校園內使用。 為使更多讀者有機會借閲某些需求甚殷的書籍, 任何書籍若有超過五個預約,借閲期限都會縮短 至五天,而多於十個預約的更須於三天內歸還。 二零零三年四月起,中大校友皆可於全球各地遙 距使用圖書館訂購的九個電子資源。這項新服務 由圖書館和校友事務處合作策劃。 新引進的開放式指定參考系統,讓學生可借出資 料作進一步硏究,亦可在館內指定區域自行複印 相關資料。參考資料的流通量因此而比去年增長 了一成三,博士和碩士論文的流通量亦增長了百 分之八。 新的線上自動系統 I L L i a d 於二零零二年九月三十 日啟用,為館際互借揭開新的一頁 。圖書 館也相 應採用新的館際互借政策,並為合資格的讀者提 供 I L L i a d 的免費使用額 。館 際互借全年逾二 萬 一 千宗,比去年增加了百分之五點八。增長主要來 自借出的宗數上升了百分之九。 圖書館今年為本科生開辦「資訊認知證書課程」, 又增設「資訊廊」服務區,設有三十台電腦、三台 打印機及兩台掃描器。 In April 2003, the University made it possible for CUHK alumni residing both locally and overseas to gain remote access to nine subscribed electronic resources. This new service was a joint venture initiated by the library and the Alumni Affairs Office. An Open Reserve system was introduced, allowing students to choose whether to check material out for extended study or to copy a relevant section within the Open Reserve area in a self-service operation. It resulted in a 13 per cent increase in circulation; the circulation of theses also registered an eight per cent increase during the year. An online automatic system, ILLiad, was launched on 30th September 2002 to improve interlibrary loans (ILL) services. A new set of ILL borrowing and lending policies was introduced, and a free quota was offered to eligible users to encourage more research. ILL transactions in 2002-3 reached 21,417, a 5.8 per cent increase over that of 2001-2. The increase mainly came from the nine per cent increase in lending activities. An Information Literacy Certificate Course was introduced for undergraduate students in 2002-3. An Information Commons — a new service area equipped with 30 PCs, three printers and two scanners — was opened for use. Space Utilization and New Facilities During the year the roof podium between the main library and the Tin Ka Ping Building was converted into a modern and spacious Periodical/ Newspaper Reading Room, which began services in September 2002. The UGC also approved a subsidy to convert the ground floor of the main library into a Visitors' Centre and to modernize and refurbish the Circulation Department. Renovation work began in April 2003. 9 0 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003