Annual Report 2002–03

校 園 東 區 的 無 線 網 絡 設 施 Wireless network facilities on Eastern campus 資訊科技服務處又加強網上解答服務,設立常見 疑難資料庫,供員生查閲。 加強行政應用系統 在資訊科技服務處協助下,行政部門繼續建立新 網站,為用戶提供嶄新服務。敎務處註冊及考試 組的入門網站可為敎學單位、敎師和學生提供相 關的敎務信息,包括最新通告、課程時間表、考 試時間表、科目學生名單和學業成績單等。僱員 個人資料查詢系統則供所有全職僱員在網上查閲 其存檔資料,如個人紀錄、醫療福利、校外工作 紀錄、薪金、退休金計劃結存、報税紀錄,而休 假紀錄亦可望於二零零三年秋在網上查閲。 服務需求因 SARS 而激增 大學在 SARS 爆發後不久,設立了兩個網站,一 個是「香港中文大學校園 SARS 專責小組」網頁, 發放專責小組的最新消息、通告、預防感染的資 料、相關措施和指引等;另一為「抗炎總動員: 齊關心、齊盡力」網頁,匯報大學為對抗疫症而 進行的工作和員生校友的貢獻。 在停課期間,不少敎師利用網上敎學無遠弗屆的 優點,與學生保持聯繫。資訊科技服務處更為護 理學、會計學和普通話等課程提供網上同步敎學 服務。 Simon F.S. Li Marine Science Laboratory, also located on Eastern campus, was connected to the Campus Backbone Network with a Gigabit Ethernet link and a wireless connection serving as backup. To better serve the user community, the Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) enhanced the Electronic Help Desk function by implementing online knowledge databases consisting of solutions to problems and questions commonly encountered by users. Administrative Applications Targeted at Students and Staff New Web-based administrative systems were launched to provide direct services to student and staff. The new Registration and Examinations Section (RES) Portal is a self-contained system that disseminates the right information to the right people at the right time. Through the system, RES publishes pertinent and individualized academic information such as teaching time table, examination time table, class lists, course registers, academic reports, and announcements through a standardized portal interface to members of the University according to schedule. The Staff Self-service Enquiry System facilitates all full-time employees of the University to check information about themselves that is kept by the administration, such as personal particulars, medical benefit eligibility, and details about outside practice, payroll, retirement scheme benefits, tax benefits and leave benefits (to be released in the third quarter of 2003). Information Technology in Strong Demand During SARS Outbreak During SARS, ITSC contributed substantially to the management of two important University websites: The CUHK Campus SARS Task Force 9 4 香 港 中 文 大 學 年 報 CUHK Annual Report 2002-2003