Annual Report 2002–03

學生透過同步敎學平台學習普通話 A student attending putonghua class on the synchronous learning network platform Website, which disseminated timely news, announcements, policies, and prevention guidelines for the entire University community; and the Fighting SARS: We Care, We Serve Website, which consolidated information on the University's contributions to the fight against SARS, and external sponsorship for anti-SARS activities. Both served as important vehicles for communication and the boosting of morale. Despite the suspension of regular classes in March, many teachers chose to continue teaching and maintained close contact with their students through the uninterrupted Web-based Teaching and Learning Platform. IT support was provided for teachers of The Nethersole School of Nursing, the School of Accountancy, and the putonghua class of Shaw College in conducting synchronous online lectures. The connection between the University's Second Internet Link and Hong Kong Internet Exchange (HKIX, operated by the University) was upgraded from 100Mbps to 1,000Mbps, to cater for a surge in network traffic generated by subscribers to the Hong Kong School Net (also operated by the University) who had to distribute course materials and homework to primary and secondary school students during class suspension. During class suspension, the World Wide Web and electronic mail became the prime vehicles for information dissemination and interaction. In the most critical months, a record-high e-mail monthly throughput of six million messages was observed on the campus-wide electronic mail system — a 10 per cent increase over seasonally-adjusted figures at normal time. Network connection usage from homes to the Campus Network was up 100 per cent, while the aggregate network traffic in HKIX, was up 30 per cent. 由於中小學相繼停課,學校須透過互聯網分發及 收集功課,並讓敎師在網上指導數以十萬計學生 學習。本校的「香港學校網絡」發揮了關鍵作用, 為中小學提供網上功課系統。資訊科技服務處將 中大校園網絡與「香港互聯網交換中心」(亦由本 校營運)的連接線路頻寬,從 1 0 0 M b p s 提升至 1 , 0 0 0Mb p s ,以應付資訊流量的激增。 停課凸顯了資訊科技的重要。在 S A R S 肆虐期 間,大部分員生倚靠校園網絡聯繫和獲取資訊, 中大電子郵件系統的月吞吐量高達六百萬項,比 平常增長一成;通過家中寬頻或撥號網絡聯網的 用量更激增一倍。而反映全港互聯網活動的「香 港互聯網交換中心」的網絡流量,亦增加近三 成。 敎 學輔 助 設施 Academic Support Facilities 95