Annual Report 2003–04

學術會議 Academic Conferences 二零零四年全球大學校長論壇「二十一世紀的大學」(二零零四年三月二十九至三十日) University Presidents' Global Forum 2004 'Universities in the 21st Century' (29th - 30th March 2004) 「全球化與性別:全球經濟重構對中國及東南亞女性的影響」國際學術研討會 (二零零三年十一月二十七至二十九日) Conference on ‘Globalization and Gender: the Implications of Global Economic Restructuring for Women in China and Southeast Asia' (27th - 29th November 2003) 「中國現況」國際研討會(二零零四年一月六至七日) International Conference on 'The State of Contemporary China' (6th - 7th January 2004) 國際虛擬地理環境及地理協同高級研討會(二零零三年十二月 十五至十六日) International Advanced Workshop on Virtual Geographic Environments and Geocollaboration (15th - 16th December 2003) 第四届國際中國古文字學研討會(二零零三年十月十五至十七日) The Fourth International Conference on Chinese Paleography (15th - 17th October 2003) 二零零四年心臟衰竭國際研討會(二零零四年二月二十一至二十二日) International Heart Failure Symposium — Hong Kong 2004 (21st - 22nd February 2004) 學術發展 Academic Development 25