Annual Report 2003–04

文學院 重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of ARTS •為慶祝大學創校四十周年,文學院籌辦「中國文化的傳承 與開拓」國際學術會議。會議於二零零三年十月三十日至 十一月一日舉行,由國際著名學者發表專題演講。學院並 與香港公共圖書館於十一月一日在香港中央圖書館合辦研 討會,與公眾人士暢論中國文化在香港的傳承與開拓。 •學院籌辦第二届「新紀元全球華文青年文學獎」作為大學 四十周年校慶重點項目之一。是届來稿約一千三百份,參 加者遍布世界各地,包括中國內地、香港、台灣、新加 坡、馬來西亞、英國、美國、加拿大等。文學獎頒獎禮、 得獎作品展覽和文學翻譯與創作專題講座於二零零三年十 二月舉行。決審圑中各文壇巨擘與得獎者皆應邀出席,為 全球華文文壇的盛會。 •音樂系聯同大學各有關部門,於二零零四年一月十一日在 香港文化中心舉辦「香港中文大學四十周年校慶音樂會: 騰歡聲徹•眾樂諧和」音樂會,演出者有音樂系敎師及校 友、中大合唱圑、崇基合唱圑、香港聖樂圑和香港小交響 樂圑,大獲各方好評。節目包括由文學院院長兼音樂系校 • The Faculty of Arts organized the 'International Conference on Chinese Culture: Transmission and Transformation' from 30th October to 1st November 2004 in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the University. Internationally renowned scholars in the field of Chinese studies were invited to present papers. The faculty also co-organized with the Hong K o ng Public Libraries a public symposium on the theme of ‘Chinese Culture in Hong Kong: Transmission and Transformation' in Hong Kong Central Libraries on 1st November 2004. • The Second Global Youth Chinese Literary Award for the New Century was a highlight of the University's anniversary celebration programme. About 1,300 entries were received from different parts of the world, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, the U K , the US, and Canada. The award presentation ceremony, an exhibition of extracts of the winning entries, and three literature workshops were held in December 2003. The final adjudicators, representatives from collaborating institutions, sponsors, and top awardees were invited to Hong Kong to take part in these activities. • The Department of Music joined hands with other units of the University to organize the University's 40th anniversary concert ‘The Sound of Harmony, the Voices of Joy' on 11th January 2004 at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Performers included faculty members, alumni of the Department, the Student Chorus of CUHK, Chung Chi Choir, Hong Kong Oratorio Society, and Hong Kong Sinfonietta. The concert started with a new work Menuha Overture written for this occasion by Prof. Daniel Law, dean of arts and music alumnus 1970, and finished with the Finale of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. The concert received excellent reviews. • The Department of Philosophy established in 2003-4 The Tang Chun-I Visiting Professorship. Each year, the visiting professorship invites one or two internationally 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 26