Annual Report 2003–04

distinguished philosophers to the department to teach a postgraduate course on a topic in their area of expertise, deliver a public lecture, and present papers at academic seminars. The programme aims at enriching the department's curriculum, stimulate interest in philosophy in the local community, and provide students and faculty with the opportunity for academic exchange with distinguished scholars from the world over. The first two Tang Chun-I Visiting Professors visited the department in October 2003 and March 2004 respectively . • Several academic conferences/lectures were organized or co-organized by departments and units of the faculty: - T h e Fourth International Conference on Chinese Paleography (October 2003, Department of Chinese Language and Literature) - T h e Fourth International Autobiography and Biography Association Conference (March 2004, Department of English) - C h ' i e n Mu Lectures in History and Culture (March 2004, Department of Fine Arts) with Prof. Wen C. Fong, professor emeritus, Department of Art and Archaeology, Princeton University as speaker. - H i s t o r y , Humanities and General Education in the Secondary School Curriculum of Hong Kong: Global Vision and Local Prospect (May 2004, co-organized by the Department of History and the Education and Manpower Bureau of HKSAR Government) - Internationa l Conference on Multilingualism in the Classroom 一 European and Asian Perspectives (April 2004, Department of Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies) - The First P.E.A.CE. Conference 一 Phenomenology for East-Asian CirclE (May 2004, co-organized by the Department of Philosophy and the Research Ce n t re f or Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, the Research Institute for the Humanities) - The first International Congress of Ethnic Chinese Biblical Scholars (May 2004, co-organized by the Theology Division, Department of Religion, and the Ethnic-Chinese Biblical Colloquium) International Conference on Chinese Culture: Transmission and Transformation 友羅炳良敎授特為校慶創作的《康靖前奏曲》,以及貝多 芬第九交響樂第四樂章。 •哲學系於二零零三至二零零四年度設立唐君毅訪問敎授計 劃,每年邀請一至兩位國際知名哲學家到訪,講授研究院 課程,作公開演講及於研討會中發表論文。此計劃旨在增 強哲學系課程的素質,提供本地師生與世界知名學者交流 的機會,以及提升本地人士對哲學的興趣。首兩位唐君毅 訪問敎授分別於二零零三年十月及二零零四年三月蒞校訪 問。 •學院各學系於本年度舉辦了以下重要學術會議和講座: 一「第四届國際中國古文字學研討會」(中國語言及文學 系,二零零三年十月) 一「第四届國際自傳和傳記協會研討會議」(英文系,二 零零四年三月) 一「第十七届錢賓四先生學術文化講座」,由美國普林斯 頓大學藝術及考古學系榮休敎授方聞敎授主講(藝術 系,二零零四年三月) 一「專題研討會:香港中學課程的歷史、人文與通識敎育 —世界視野與本土路向」(歷史系與香港敎育統籌局 合辦,二零零四年五月) 一「從歐洲及亞洲的視角觀察課堂上的多語言現象」國際 會議(現代語言及文化系,二零零四年四月) 一「第一届東亞現象學國際學術會議」(哲學系與人文學 科研究所現象學與人文科學研究中心合辦,二零零四 年五月) — 全球首届「國際華裔聖經學術會議」(宗敎系神學組與 華裔聖經學會合辦,二零零四年五月) 學術發展 Academic Development 27