Annual Report 2003–04

敎育 學院 重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of EDUCATION •敎育學院今年舉辦了四個大型會議: 一國際會議:「亞太區敎育素質及均等機會比較:學生 能力國際評估計劃給我們甚麼啟示?」(二零零三年十 一月二十一至二十二日) —第四届兩岸四地美術敎育周年會議(二零零三年十二 月十八至二十一日) 一基礎敎育研討會之「敎育改革:回顧與展望」(二零零 四年四月十七日) 一第八届全球華人計算機應用大會(二零零四年五月三 十一日至六月三日) •該院又舉辦了四十多個公開講座或研討會,較重要的有: 一講座:「地理敎育在澳洲的發展情況」(二零零三年九 月二十三日) 一講座:「甚麼是專注力失調及在課室中處理的方法」 (二零零三年十一月十二日) 一工作坊:「從國際視野看不同敎育制度的素質及均等 機會」(二零零三年十一月二十日) 一研討會: A l l Change: New Ways o f T e a c h i ng w i t h I C T (二零零三年十二月三日) 一講座:「學校架構、課室經驗及青少年成長之關係」 (二零零四年二月十六日) • Four major conferences were held at the faculty: -International conference 'What Do the PISA Results Tell Us About the Education Quality and Equality in the Pacific Rim?', 21st and 22nd November 2003 - T h e 4th Annual Cross-strait Art Education Symposium, 18th - 21st December 2003 - T h e Basic Education Seminar 'Review and Outlook on Education Reform', 17th April 2004 - T h e 8th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, 31st May - 3rd June 2004 • T h e faculty hosted over 40 public lectures, seminars, and workshops including: - L e c t u r e : 'The Development of Geographical Education in Australia', 23rd September 2003 - L e c t u r e : 'Attention Deficit Disorder - What It Is and How to Deal with It in the Classroom', 12th November 2003 - Workshop: 'Assessing the Quality and Equality of Educational Systems from an International Perspective', 20th November 2003 - S e m i n a r: 'All Change: New Ways of Teaching with ICT', 3rd December 2003 - L e c t u r e: 'School Structure, Classroom Experience and Adolescent Development', 16th February 2004 - Lecture: 'Gender, Academic Performance and Academic Choices', 17th February 2004 左起:陳建熊先生、林瑞馨女士和戴希立先生 From left: Mr. Chan Kin Hung, Ms. Lam Sui Hing,and Mr. Tai Hay Lap 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Re p o r t 2 0 0 3 - 2 0 04 30