Annual Report 2003–04

Championship in the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 Competition. The team represented Hong Kong to compete with other regional champions in the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 World Finals in Brazil in July 2004, becoming one of two Asian teams to make it into the final round of 12 finalists. - M r . Chan Ho Yin, a Ph.D. student from the Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering, won the Best Conference Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in September 2003. - M i s s Qian Yao, a Ph.D. student from the Department of Electronic Engineering, was selected as the Microsoft Research Asia Fellow 2003 to participate in a paid internship programme with Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing for over three months. - M r . Fung Pui Cheong, Gabriel, an M.Phil. student from the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, won the best student paper award at the 8th Pacific- Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2004. - Prof. Houmin Yan of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management won the 2004 Wickham-Skinner Best Paper Award for his co-authored paper 'Coordination of a Supply Chain with Risk-Averse Agents' from the Production and Operations Management Society. - W i s e N e w s, a bilingual news information processing system, based on the IPOC technology developed by Prof. Wong Kam-Fai of the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, won the 2003 World Summit Award for Asia Best Practice in e-Content. • Two major international conferences were organized by the engineering departments during the year: - The Department of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering and the Chinese Automation Association organized the 2003 IEEE Intelligent Automation Conference (15th - 17th December 2003) - The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management and the University of Science and Technology of China organized an international workshop on mathematical finance and insurance (24th - 31st May 2004). •學院於二零零三年九月在校園舉行創新科技展覽,展示該 院創新科技的最新成果。 •該院學生及敎職員取得之傑出成就包括: 一由三名來自不同學系學生組成的隊伍,取得微軟潛能 創意盃 2 0 0 4 香港分區冠軍,更代表香港到巴西出席總 決賽,並能躋身最後十二強,是亞洲二強之一。 一自動化與計算機輔助工程學系博士生陳浩然於二零零 三年九月舉行的 I E E E 國際機器人與自動化大會榮獲 「最佳會議論文獎」。 一電子工程學系博士生錢瑤獲選為微軟亞洲研究院二零 零三年「微軟學者」。 一系統工程與工程管理學系碩士生馮沛璋於第八届亞太 區知識發現及數據挖掘會議中榮獲傑出學生論文獎。 一系統工程與工程管理學系嚴厚民敎授與他人合著之文 章於生產及操作管理學會坎昆會議中榮獲 W i c k h a m- S k i n n e r 最佳文章獎。 一系統工程與工程管理學系黃錦輝敎授開發的雙語新聞 資訊處理系統榮獲 2 0 03 W o r l d S u mm it A w a r d 的 Asia Best Practice in e-Content 獎。 •學院今年舉辦了兩個主要國際會議: 一自動化與計算機輔助工程學系與中國自動化學會合辦 二零零三年中國智能自動化會議(二零零三年十二月 十五至十七日) 一系統工程與工程管理學系與中國科學技術大學合辦數 理金融和保險國際研討會(二零零四年五月二十四至 三十一日) 中大生奪微軟軟件設計比賽香港冠軍,再於全球總決賽締佳績。 Hong Kong champions from CUHK do themselves proud at Microsoft Imagine Cup 2004 World Finals. 學術發展 Academic Development 33