Annual Report 2003–04

重要發展 Major Events in the Faculty of SCIENCE •學院於二零零三年成立四十周年,出版紀念特刊,各學系 又舉辦一系列慶祝活動。諾貝爾物理學獎得獎人朱棣文敎 授和 Prof. Anthony Leggett 更應邀來校主持講座。 •學院獲優質敎育基金二百八十二萬元經費,以探究中學生 理科學習的模式。 •獲獎譽敎師: 一生物系辛世文敎授和化學系吳奇敎授分別獲選為中國 工程院院士和中國科學院院士。 一丘成桐敎授獲大學委任為博文講座敎授,另獲頒二零 零三年「中華人民共和國國際科學技術合作獎」。 • To celebrate the faculty's 40th anniversary in 2003, departments in the faculty organized a variety of programmes. A faculty brochure was also produced. Prof. Steven Chu, 1997 Nobel laureate in physics, and Prof. Anthony J. Leggett, 2003 Nobel laureate in physics, were invited to give talks as part of the 40th anniversary celebration. • The faculty secured HK$2.82 millio n from the Quality Education Fund for its proposal 'Case-based Learning of High School Science Subjects to Support Learning to Learn'. • Several teachers were honoured: - P r o f . Samuel S.M. Sun, professor of biology, and Prof. Wu Chi, professor of chemistry, were elected member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences respectively. Prof. Anthony Leggett 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 36