Annual Report 2003–04

professor of chemistry, were elected members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prof. Samuel Sun, professor of biology, was elected member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Prof. Fanny Cheung Mui Ching, professor of psychology, was awarded the Distinguished Leadership Award for Internationals by the University of Minnesota. Prof. Agnes Chan Sui Yin of the Department of Psychology was awarded the Early Career Award in Clinical Neuropsychology by the American Psychological Association Division 40. Promotion of Art and Culture Each year the University and its constituent colleges organize a variety of distinguished professorship/fellowship schemes, which bring world- renowned scholars to the campus. The public lectures and seminars they give invigorate the intellectual community of Hong Kong and generate fruitful academic exchanges. Prominent visitors during 2003-4 included Prof. Steven Chu, Nobel laureate in physics; Prof. Anthony J. Leggett, Nobel laureate in physics; Prof. Lu Yongxiang, president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Prof. Cahir J. O'Kane, reader in genetics at the University of Cambridge; Prof. W i se Yo u n g, professor and chair of the De p a r t me nt of C e l l B i o l o g y a nd Neuroscience at the W.M. Keck Center of Collaborative Neuro- science, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Prof. Tu Weiming, director of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Harvard University; Prof. David K. Levine, Armen Alchian Professor of Economics at the University of California; Prof. Jere R. Behrman, William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania; Prof. Jacquelynne S. Eccles, Wilbert McKeachie Collegiate Professor of Psychology, Education and Women's Studies at the University of Michigan; Prof. Wen C. Fong, professor emeritus of the Department of Art and Archaeology at Princeton University; and Prof. Hugh D.R. Baker, professor emeritus of Chinese at the University of London. The University's Art Museum continued to serve the University and the local community exhibitions, talks, and authentication services. In the past year the Art Museum staged two joint exhibitions with mainland Chinese museums. The special exhibition 'Innovations and Creations: A 授勳或嘉獎:內科及藥物治療學講座敎授沈袓堯 獲授銀紫荊星章、大學司庫陸觀豪先生獲授銅紫 荊星章、微生物學系談兆麟敎授獲授銅紫荊星 章、大學校董殷巧兒女士獲授榮譽勳章,而社區 及家庭醫學系李大拔敎授則獲頒行政長官社區服 務獎狀。 另外,博文講座敎授丘成桐獲得中華人民共和國 國際科學技術合作獎;生理學講座敎授黃宜定獲 劍橋大學頒授理學博士學位;計算機科學與工程 學系呂榮聰敎授獲選為國際電機及電子工程師學 會( IEEE) 院士;化學講座敎授吳奇和外科講座 敎授劉允怡獲選為中國科學院院士;生物講座敎 授辛世文當選中國工程院院士;心理學講座敎授 張妙清獲頒明尼蘇達大學傑出國際領袖獎;心理 學系陳瑞燕敎授則獲頒美國心理學會四十學部二 零零四年度傑出青年成就獎。 推廣學術文化 中大經常舉辦傑出學人訪問計劃,邀請國際知名 學者蒞校主持講座及硏討會,促進學術交流,並 為本地學術界帶來新思維。二零零三至二零零四 年度到訪中大的著名學者有諾貝爾物理學獎得獎 人朱棣文敎授和 Prof. Anthony J. Leggett 、中國 科學院院長路甬祥敎授、劍橋大學遺傳學敎授 CahirO'Kane 、新澤西州立羅格斯大學神經科學 系敎授兼系主任楊詠威、哈佛大學哈佛燕京學 社社長杜維明敎授、加州大學經濟學講座敎授 David K. Levine 、賓夕法尼亞大學經濟學講座敎 左起:朱棟文教授、路甬祥教授、 楊詠威教授、杜維明教授、 Prof. Jacquelynne S. Eccles From left: Prof. Steven Chu, Prof. Lu Yongxiang, Prof. Wise Young, Prof. Tu Weiming, Prof. Jacquelynne S. Eccles 服務香港 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 55