Annual Report 2003–04

授 Jere R. Behrman 、密西根大學心理及敎育學 講座敎授 Jacquelynne S. Eccles 、普林斯頓大學 藝術及考古學系榮休敎授方聞、倫敦大學中國語 文榮休講座敎授裴達禮等。 另一方面,中大文物館是年舉辦多項豐富精彩展 覽、講座、文物鑑定服務等,增進校內及社會人 士對中國文物藝術的認識和欣賞。 文物館與國內博物館緊密交流合作,是年與國內 博物館合辦兩個專題展覽:一是與江西省景德鎮 陶瓷館合辦的「薪火英華:二十世紀景德鎮瓷藝 回顧」,在文物館舉行;二是與湖南省博物館合 辦的「中國古代銘刻文物」,在湖南省博物館舉 行。 文物館與本地藝術品收藏家關係密切,因而得以 舉辦多個專題展覽,包括全部展品由二義草堂惠 借的「樸拙傳神:二義草堂藏石灣陶塑」、杜袓 貽敎授伉儷惠贈珍藏的「瑞墨繽紛:杜袓貽敎授 伉儷捐贈現代中國書畫」、匯聚多位收藏家珍藏 的「中國古代案頭文玩」、結合饒宗頤敎授珍藏 及文物館藏品的「仁智之樂一固庵敎授在中 大」,以及精選自館藏的「官民之間:清代江西官 宦堂名款瓷器」。去年文物館舉辦的「合璧聯 Retrospect of 20th Century Porcelain from Jingdezhen', presented at the Art Museum, was organized together with the Jingdezhen Ceramic Museum in Jiangxi. The other, entitled 'Chinese Epigraphy: Inscribed Relics of Pre-Yuan Era', was organized with and staged at the Hunan Provincial Museum. Several other exhibitions featuring objects on loan from local collectors or donated as gifts to the University were presented. They included 'Rustic Images: Shiwan Ware from the Eryi Caotang Collection', 'Currents in Art: A Collection of Modern Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy — The Prof. and Mrs. To Cho-yee Gift', 'Objects for the Scholar's Desk', and 'Enjoyments of a Scholar: Professor Jao Tsung-i at CUHK'. The exhibition 'Private and Official: Porcelain Commissioned by Jiangxi Officials During the Qing Dynasty' featured items selected from the museum's collection, whereas ‘Double Beauty: Qing Dynasty Couplets from the Lechangzai Xuan Collection', which had been staged formerly at the Art Museum, was mounted at The Honolulu Academy of Arts and the University Art Museum of UC, Santa Barbara. To foster public understanding of Chinese art, the Art Museum participated in International Museum Day 2004 of the Leisure and Cultural Services 石、陶紙鎮 固庵 (饒宗頤教授)銘 Stone and pottery paper weights with inscriptions by Prof. Jao Tsung-i 粉彩荷花圖瓶,吳靄生 ( 1886- 1926)作坊,1910-1926年 Vase with lotus design in famill e rose, Workshop of Wu Aisheng (1866-1926) , 1910-1926 王琦(1884-1937), 粉彩桃園結義圖 瓷板,1925年 Plaque with figures of Wang Qi (1884-1937) , Thre Brothers in famile rose, 1925 饒宗頤,青城雲水圖, 2001 年 Jao Tsung-i, The Qingcheng Mountain, 2001 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 56