Annual Report 2003–04

校友 本校自成立以來,共培育了超過八萬名畢業生, 他們遍布各行各業,多位中大校友更因其傑出成 就或對社會的貢獻,於今年獲香港特區政府授勳 (見附表第七十六及七十七頁)。今年亦有多位校 友獲大學頒授榮譽院士,包括崇基學院資深導師 容拱興博士、消費者委員會總幹事陳黃穗女士、 警務處處長李明逵先生和東亞銀行有限公司執行 董事兼副行政總裁彭玉榮先生。 不少校友繼續以他們的專業知識和實務經驗協助 母校發展,除參與校內各類諮詢委員會外,也有 出任大學和書院校董,或應邀主持專業講座。更 多校友參加了書院及學系的學長計劃,與學弟學 妹分享他們的人生經驗和工作心得。此外,校友 又捐款支持大學、書院及學系的發展,他們對 「中大發展基金」的慷慨捐贈,為大學多項發展項 目提供了穩定的資金來源。 為表揚中大校友對母校始終不渝的關愛和支持, 大學特別以校園本部大學泳池西側草坪,闢作 「中大校友園」,並於二零零三年年底由金耀基校 長主持揭幕禮。校友園內將加置銘謝牌坊,刻上 歷年捐款支持大學發展的校友姓名。 中大校友亦積極參與大學四十周年校慶活動,有 擔任多個重點項目的策劃工作,有擔任校慶公開 講座演講嘉賓,數十位活躍於香港話劇和演藝界 的中大校友,更參加大型話劇《中大人家》的台前 幕後工作。該話劇於二零零三年十一月假香港文 化中心大劇院共演出四場,各場均滿座並獲一致 好評。近八十位海外校友攜同親友在同年十一月 專程回港,參加多項四十周年校慶活動。原定於 校慶年首次舉辦的「中大校友宿舍生活重溫營」, 改期於二零零四年七月舉行,逾四百位校友和他 們的親友返回中大校園,參加兩日一夜的豐富節 目,重溫宿舍生活,並與新任校長劉遵義敎授首 次會面。 Alumni 校友 園揭幕 Opening ceremony of the 'CUAlumni Garden' The graduation of the class of 2004 brought the total number of the University's alumni to over 80,000. Their achievements and services to Hong Kong have been widely recognized. Some were included in the Hong Kong SAR Government's 2004 Honours List (see table on pages 76-77). Several distinguished alumni were made Honorary Fellows of the University in 2004. They are Dr.Yung Kung Hing, senior college tutor of Chung Chi; Mrs. Pamela Chan, chief executive of the Hong Kong Consumer Council; Mr. Lee Ming Kwai, Commissioner of Police; and Mr. Joseph Pang, executive director and deputy chief executive of The Bank of East Asia Ltd. As before, many alumni continued to contribute their professional expertise to the development of their alma mater through participation in the University Council, college boards of trustees, and various advisory committees, or by giving talks and seminars to staff and students. Mentorship programmes of the colleges and academic departments were also enriched by the input of many alumni who shared their experiences and wisdom with fellow students. The alumni community continued to make donations to support the further development of the University, the colleges, and the academic departments. Their contribution to the CUHK General Endowment Fund has helped finance many recurrent activities and special projects. To commemorate the loyalty and support alumni have rendered to their alma mater, a beautiful garden to the west of the swimming pool in central campus was named the 'CU Alumni Garden', and formally opened by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ambrose King, in late 2003. CUHK alumni also contributed extensively to the 40th anniversary 香港中文大年報 CUHK Annual Report 2003-2004 74