Annual Report 2003–04

celebrations. Many were on the organizing and planning committees for major celebration programmes. Some were guest speakers at the Anniversary Fair, and a group of alumni working in performing arts produced an anniversary play entitled 'Of Phoenix Lineage', which was staged at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. Close to 80 overseas alumni and their families returned to Hong Kong in November 2003 to take part in celebration events. The Alumni Homecoming Weekend Camp, originally planned for 2003, was held in July 2004. Over 400 alumni and their families returned to campus to relive their CUHK experience. With over 70 alumni associations the world over, the world-wide CUHK alumni network fosters linkage between the University and its graduates. The CUHK Convocation celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2004. Since its establishment, the convocation has collected alumni views on issues relating to social, educational or university affairs every year. Over 20 opinion papers and reports have been released in the past 10 years. The convocation also organizes annual fund-raising campaigns, raising a total of HK$8 million for University units and community causes. In 2004, the convocation bestowed the first three CUHK Convocation Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards to outstanding students of the University. The Education Foundation of the Federation of CUHK Alumni Associations continued to contribute to local education in 2003-4. Besides operating a kindergarten, a primary school, and two secondary schools in Hong Kong, a new kindergarten is scheduled to open shortly. Meantime, the foundation continued to raise funds to support education in poverty- stricken areas in China. Apart from soliciting alumni donations to sponsor books and tuition fees for individual school children, the foundation established five more alumni primary schools in China in the past year. Together with another primary school yet to open, the total number of the foundation's schools in mainland China will soon reach 20. 中大校友網絡遍及全球,校友會已超過七十個, 各與母校保持緊密聯繫。由中大全體畢業生組成 的中大評議會亦剛於二零零四年六月慶祝成立十 周年。該會每年均就社會、敎育或大學發展事務 收集校友意見,過去十年共發表了二十多個專題 報告或意見書;另為母校及社會公益籌款,累計 近八百萬港元。評議會在二零零四年首次頒發 「中大校友評議會傑出服務及創意學生獎」予 三 位 中大學生。該會正透過立法程序易名為「香港中 文大學校友評議會」。「香港中文大學校友會聯會 敎育基金會有限公司」則繼續在本港建校興學, 除已開辦的幼稚園、小學各一間 及中學兩間外,亦即將增辦一間 幼稚園。基金會亦繼續致力籌款 支持內地貧困地區發展小學敎 育,除組織個別校友捐款資助學 童的學費和書簿費外,今年更增 建了五間中大校友會小學,連同 仍在籌建的一間,基金會在內地 興辦的小學總數將達二十間,反 映了中大校友對下一代敎育的關 注和承擔。 學生及校友 Students and Alumni 75