Annual Report 2003–04

南加州大學 P r o f. B. Birge ( 中) 、亞利桑那州立大學 P r o f . H.C. Tillman ( 左) 和港美 中心 D r . Glen Shive 參觀善本書庫 Prof. B. Birge (centre) of the University of Southern California and Prof. H.C. Tillman (left) of Arizona State University visiting the Rare Book Roomwith Dr. Glen Shive (right) of the Hong Kong-America Center had returned for the University anniversary celebrations. The room was also open to the local community on six public holidays. In addition to book donations, the library received a grant of HK$460,470 from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council for preparation of An Index to Hong Kong Newspaper Literary Supplements, and a generous donation from Ricoh Hong Kong Ltd. to set up a campus student work scheme assisting needy students. The library, jointly with the Department of Translation and the University Press, received a grant of HK$600,000 from RGC to publish Gao Xingjian's works, and for the library to collect all Gao's work and to build a comprehensive website on Gao. New Services In response to the UGC's approval of the establishment of a School of Law, law books in all languages were relocated to the Law Collection on the 3/F of the Tin Ka Ping Building. An information desk was set up at the main entrance of the University Library to provide quick information to library users and visitors. And the Inter- Branch Book Delivery Service allows users to request, at nominal costs, book delivery from the holding to their preferred CUHK library. Undergraduate students can now use five UGC libraries with a new reader card. Interlibrary Loan Services have also been extended to final year 五十一次團體訪客,包括富布賴特學人及五十位 專程回港參加大學四十周年校慶的海外校友。圖 書館更曾於六個公眾假日開放善本書庫讓市民參 觀。 圖書館獲香港藝術發展局撥款四十六萬餘港元籌 建《香港報章文藝副刊目錄索引》,亦獲理光(香 港)有限公司慷慨捐款,設立學生工讀計劃。圖 書館、翻譯系和中文大學出版社獲硏究資助局撥 款六十萬港元,用以發行高行健作品、購置高氏 相關作品和設立相關網頁。 服務新猷 大學獲准成立法律學院後,圖書館即設立法律特 藏,將各種法律書籍集中放置於田家炳樓 三 樓。 新設於大學圖書館地下大堂的詢問處,為圖書館 讀者及訪客提供即時資訊。讀者現只需繳交象徵 式費用,即可透過分館書籍傳遞服務,把所需的 館藏書籍轉送至指定的圖書館以供借閲。 敎學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 79