Annual Report 2003–04

As the University's participation in international academic activities increased, the need for an integrated system became apparent. An application was designed for the Office of Academic Links and other University officers to retrieve useful data from a common data pool. Another application for managing students' non-academic information was developed to meet UGC's reporting needs and for instant data retrieval by the Office of Student Affairs and the college offices. ITSC has been proactively fighting against spam and virus, the two annoying realities of today's Internet. An anti-virus scanner was installed on the campus- wide e-mail system to safeguard users from virus carried by e-mails. At the same time, unsolicited or spam messages were labelled or filtered at the server level to ensure and maintain efficient electronic communication. Cost Saving and Efficiency Improvement To reduce cost and improve efficiency, ITSC undertook to automate the work process of its administrative offices. Tailor-made document management solutions were provided for several administrative offices during the year. An Electronic Document Management System (EDMS), designed to expedite information retrieval and minimize paper consumption, was launched in summer 2004. The University's implementation of cost-saving measures necessitated modifications of all the major administrative systems, such as the Personnel and Payroll System and the New Funding Model System. All system modifications were carried out smoothly and in accordance to the University's pre-defined time-table. 零四年三月起’開始支援 I Pv 6 技術’為本地的 IPv6 技術開創先河。 進一步支援敎職員和學生 自大學發展網上敎學以來,校內敎師和學生都滿 意互動敎學的模式。今年逾四分三學生透過網上 敎學平台( WebCT 和 CU Forum) 輔助學習。過 去四年,於 WebCT 發布的敎材,每年增加三成, 課程討論版張貼的文章每年增長逾兩成。 WebCT 和 CU Forum 的使用率每年分別增加了五成四及 四成九。 大學大力鼓勵學術部門與海外學術機構的交流活 動。為應付日益頻繁的學術交流活動並有效管理 相關資料,資訊科技服務處把分散各部門的資料 庫及管理系統重新設計,整合成一個功能集中的 資訊系統和共用資料庫。該處亦設計新的電腦系 統,處理學生學業以外表現的資料,方便校方向 大學敎育資助委員會提交報告,以及學生事務處 和四所成員書院處理學生事宜。 對於衍生自互聯網的兩大副產品——垃圾電郵和 電腦病毒,大學一直積極預防:大學的電郵伺服 器已安裝病毒過濾軟件堵截病毒,並使用過濾軟 件標籤或拒收垃圾郵件,以確保電子通訊渠道暢 通。 提高行政效率,實現減赤目標 為配合大學提高行政效率的方向,資訊科技服務 處繼續協助校內部門將工作流程自動化,更為部 分部門設計專用的文件管理方案。此外,一個適 合各部門使用的電子檔案管理系統服務 (EDMS) 已 於二零零四年夏推出,協助各部門提高檔案管理 的效率,並大量減省用紙。 大學敎育資助委員會削減對大學的撥款,校方公 布一系列減省開支的方案供各部門選擇。當中涉 及複雜的過程及龐大的數據管理,資訊科技服務 處大規模修改了相關的大學行政管理系統,例如 人事暨薪金系統、新撥款模式系統等,確保大學 的減赤措施能依期實行。 教學輔助設施 Academic Support Facilities 83