Annual Report 2004–05

資產負債表二零零五年六月三十日 Balance Sheet at 30th June 2005 2005 $'000 2004 $'000 非流動資產 Non-current assets 投資 Investments 4,724,942 4,634,701 僱員退休福利資產 Employee retirement benefit assets 12,268 11,383 4,737,210 4,646,084 流動資產 Current assets 短期投資 Short-term Investments 778,318 278,269 敎職員貸款 Staff loans 162,630 172,190 應收賬款及預付款項 Accounts receivable and prepayments 118,278 92,597 現金及銀行短期存款 Cash and short term deposits w i th bank 934,058 959,033 1,993,284 1,502,089 流動負債 Current liabilities 應付賬款及應計費用 A c c o u n ts payable and accruals 369,805 348,762 僱員福利準備 Provision of employee benefits 221,783 244,583 借款 Loans and borrowings 148,748 85,276 遞延收益 Deferred income 383,767 430,416 1,124,103 1,109,037 流動資產淨值 N e t current assets 869,181 393,052 非流動負債 Non-current liabilities 僱員福利準備 Provision of employee benefits 213,595 257,575 借款 Loans and borrowings 120,320 149,069 遞延收益 Deferred income 66,309 76,235 400,224 482,879 資產淨值 Net assets 5,206,167 4,556,257 專用基金 Restricted funds 3,518,408 2,952,831 其他基金 O t h e r funds 1,687,759 1,603,426 基金總額 T o t a l funds 5,206,167 4,556,257 捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations, Finance and Accounts t07