Annual Report 2004–05

收支表截至二零零五年六月三十日止年度 Income and Expenditure Statement for the year ended 30th June 2005 2005 $'000 2004 $'000 收入 I n c o me 政府資助 Government subventions 2,831,270 3,434,799 學費、課程及其他收費 T u i t i o n, programmes and other fees 923,810 850,301 利息及投資收益 Interest and investment income 289,179 276,686 捐贈及捐款 Donations and benefactions 188,125 215,822 輔助服務收入 Ancillary services income 134,420 153,815 其他收入 Other income 190,990 192,026 4,557,794 5,123,449 支出 Expenditure 學術及研究 Learning and research 敎學及研究 Instruction and research 2,746,281 2,805,724 圖書館 Library 140,859 161,599 中央電腦設施 Central computing facilities 87,550 97,796 其他敎學服務 Other academic services 72,684 85,508 大學輔助服務 Institutional support 管理及一般事項 Management and general 157,979 181,427 樓宇及有關支出 Premises and related expenses 486,164 535,324 學生及一般敎育事務 Student and general education services 182,792 183,686 其他事務 Other activities 33,575 3,907,884 41,783 4,092,847 本年度盈餘 Surplus for the year 649,910 1,030,602 轉至 Transferred to 專用基金 Restricted funds 565,577 571,131 其他基金 Other funds 84,333 459,471 649,910 1,030,602 1 0 8 捐贈、財務與賬目 Donations, Finance and Accounts