Annual Report 2005–06

Broad Community Support The University’s achievements in teaching, research and service have continued to win recognition from the community at large, as evidenced by the magnitude of the support we drew from various quarters over the year. In the third round of the UGC’s matching grant scheme launched in June 2006, CUHK was able to raise HK$455 million worth of private donations within the first two months, thus qualifying the University for the maximummatching grant of HK$250 million from the government. All donations received in 2005-06 are listed on pages 92-100 in this annual report. We are deeply grateful for the generosity of our benefactors. Their donations will be put to the best use, with the bulk placed in permanent endowments to ensure long-term financial viability and sustainability of our various programmes. We hope that our friends and alumni will continue to take an interest in the development of CUHK and render us support in our quest for excellence. Leadership Evolution As the University continues to grow, its day-to-day management inevitably becomes more and more complex. Its various new functions also require additional guidance and expertise. Indeed the many accomplishments achieved by the University in 2005-06 are attributed not only to the hard work of its teachers, researchers and students, but also to the diligence of a team of very efficient administrators. In June 2006, to invigorate leadership at the senior level, the University Council appointed Prof. Ching Pak-chung, professor of electronic engineering, as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for two years from August 2006. From the next academic year onwards, therefore, the University will have four Pro-Vice- Chancellors, each with a different portfolio. The other three Pro-Vice- Chancellors are Prof. Kenneth Young, Prof. Liu Pak-wai and Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng. In the same year, Prof. Henry N.C. Wong and Prof. Fung Kwok-pui were reappointed as heads of New Asia College and United College respectively, and Prof. Kwan Hoi-shan was elected as Dean of Science, each for a term of three years. 蓬勃的學術活動 一如既往,中大今年的學術活動極為蓬勃,學院和 學系舉辦了多個會議和研討會,到訪交流的海外學 者甚眾。上學年起與新鴻基地產合辦的「新鴻基地 產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座系列」,今年繼續舉 行。至本學年為止,此講座系列已五度舉行,共邀 請了九位諾貝爾獎得主和其他著名學者來港,就不 同題目主持講座,傳播先進知識,使本地學術界、 教育界與商界能夠從中得到啟發,見賢思齊。自本 學年起,我們又首次舉辦駐港領事和外交家講座 系列,邀請了外交部駐港特派員公署特派員,以及 美、英、日、德等國的外交官,蒞校主持講座。 社會人士的支持 中大的教學表現與研究成果,幸蒙社會人士讚許, 年內的籌款成績可資明證。二零零六年六月杪開始 的大學教育資助委員會第三輪配對補助金計劃中, 中大迅速籌得私人捐款逾四億五千五百萬港元,最 終獲得政府最高上限的二億五千萬港元配對撥款。 本學年大學獲得的捐款,年報內已臚列詳盡。對各 界友好的支持,我們衷心銘感。而海內外中大校友 對母校多年來的鼓勵、關愛和協助,更是大學不斷 進步的一大動力。我們定必善用這些得來不易的寶 貴資源,以實踐中大的教育使命。 大學的管理 中大不斷發展,許多環節牽涉的範疇愈來愈多,愈 來愈廣,是以管理層須要吸納更多人才。大學在過 去克服了不少困難,同人的衷誠合作與支持固然重 要,管理隊伍的堅定和出色表現亦功不可沒。二零 零六年六月,校董會委任了電子工程學講座教授程 伯中教授為大學副校長,任期兩年,由二零零六年 八月起生效。因此,由二零零七學年起,大學將會 有四位副校長,其他三位是楊綱凱教授、廖柏偉教 楊綱凱教授 Prof. Kenneth Young 廖柏偉教授 Prof. Liu Pak-wai 鄭振耀教授 Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng 程伯中教授 Prof. Ching Pak-chung