Annual Report 2005–06
學術發展 Academic Development 15 panels included the visiting examiners of the programmes reviewed. The panels reviewed the substance of the teaching and learning processes with reference to the programmes’ self-evaluation document and through meetings with staff, students and recent graduates of the programmes. Based on the results of the reviews, good practices evidenced in the review exercise were promulgated among other programmes for reference. Honesty in Academic Work The University places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and considers plagiarism a serious offence. A website entitled ‘Honesty in Academic Work: A Guide for Students and Teachers’, ( / policy / academichonesty) has been put up to provide students and teachers with information such as regulations on honesty in academic work and guidelines on the proper use of source materials. Double Majors and Double Degrees Following Senate approval of the implementation of double majors, where a student is allowed to register for two major programmes with the permission of both departments concerned, 33 programmes were made available for students to register a second major. Specially designed double degree programmes and articulation with higher degree were also approved for introduction with effect from 2006-07. Joint Degree Programme with the Hong Kong Institute of Education In July 2005, the University signed an agreement with the Hong Kong Institute of Education (HKIEd) to formally explore the possibility of a deep collaboration. A joint degree programme – Bachelor of Arts Programme in English Studies and Education – was subsequently launched. The programme will admit its first batch of students in 2006-07. (左起)法律學院專業顧問許學 峰先生;法律學院主任麥高偉教 授;工商管理學院副院長 蘇偉文教授;中大翻譯系署理 系主任陳善偉教授宣告成立 雙學位課程 (From left) Mr. Dennis Hie, Professional Consultant, School of Law, Prof. Mike McConville, Director, School of Law, Prof. Raymond So, Associate Dean, Faculty of Business Administration, and Prof. Chan Sin Wai, Acting Chairman, Department of Translation, announcing the double-degree initiatives 及三項課程。課程檢討由教務會教與學委員會委任 的專責小組負責,小組成員包括有關課程的訪問考 試委員。專責小組參考課程的自我評估文件,並與 課程的教職員、學生及近年畢業生會面,檢討教與 學過程的內容。根據檢討結果而獲評為教與學的 優秀典範者,其他課程可作參考。 學術著作誠信 中大十分注重學生的學術著作誠信,大學設立 了一個名為「學術著作誠信:給學生及教師的指 引」的網頁: ( academichonesty),為學生及教師提供有用資 料,如學術著作誠信的規則及正確註明資料來源 的指引。 雙主修及雙學位課程 教務會已核准推行雙主修的建議,學生經所屬第一 主修及擬申報的第二主修學系核准,可以報修兩項 主修課程,目前共有三十三個課程可供學生註冊作 第二主修。此外,教務會亦已核准由二零零六至零 七年度起開辦特別設計的雙學位課程及銜接高等 學位的雙學位課程。 與香港教育學院合辦聯合學位課程 香港中文大學與香港教育學院於二零零五年七月 簽訂深入協作協議。兩所院校共同發展的聯合課程 「英文研究與教育文學士學位課程」,於二零零六 至零七年度起招生。
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