Annual Report 2005–06

16 Academic Exchange Student exchange maintained its momentum in 2005-06, with 438 CUHK students (undergraduate and postgraduate) having joined student exchange programmes. This represented an increase in headcount of 11.5% over the previous year. In addition, 1,700 CUHK students took part in short- term international programmes. A total of 2,100 students benefited from some form of experience outside of Hong Kong, representing 75.1% of the annual first-year intake. In the same year, CUHK received a total of 689 incoming exchange students during the term and the summer, representing a 44.7% increase in headcount over the previous year. The CUHK International Summer School (previously known as IASP Summer Session) was organized by the Office of Academic Links for the third time from 16 June to 28 July 2006. A total of 126 international students were received, marking a 125% rise from the previous summer. Over 100 local CUHK students joined the international students on Asian and Chinese Studies, Business Administration, and Engineering and Science courses. CUHK continued to attract a large number of delegations from universities and institutions outside Hong Kong. In 2005-06, it received a total of 125 visiting delegations, a growth of 150% since 2002-03. Over half of the delegations came to CUHK to discuss collaboration opportunities. Many delegates were heads or deputy heads of their respective institutions, a reflection of the high priority given to their CUHK visit. Prominent delegates include the Chancellor of Washington University in St. Louis (Prof. Mark Wrighton), President of the University of British Columbia (Dr. Martha Cook Piper), and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Auckland (Prof. Stuart McCutcheon). This year outreach efforts made a significant impact on the University’s internationalization activities. In the Asia-Pacific region, CUHK played a leading role in the Inaugural Conference and Exhibition of the Asia- Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) which took place in Seoul. The University planned and presented a one-day workshop on developments in higher education in China; student exchange at CUHK, Chinese language and degree programmes at the exhibition; and shared CUHK’s experience in curriculum internationalization. CUHK is one of 13 founding members of the APAIE and holds the vice-presidency to the association. In January 2006, Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau led a delegation of five CUHK representatives to Paris to further the University’s partnerships with French teaching and research institutions. The delegation was received by presidents and other senior leaders of some of the top institutions in Paris including University Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne, University Paris IV – Sorbonne, HEC School of Management Paris, École Nationale Supérieure de Mines de Paris, and Sciences Po (Paris). A memorandum of understanding (MOU) on cooperation 學術交流 中大於二零零五至零六年度有四百三十八名學生 (包括本科生及研究生)到海外作交換生,人數較 前一年增加百分之十一點五,另有一千七百名學生 參加各種短期學術交流計劃,令整體受惠於海外 交流計劃的學生人數升至二千一百名,佔學生人數 百分之七十五點一。同年度,到中大交流的海外生 有六百八十九名,人數較前一年增加百分之四十四 點七。 學術交流處於二零零六年六月十六日至七月廿八日 期間,第三度舉辦香港中文大學國際暑期課程(前 為暑期亞洲課程),共錄取了一百二十六名國際學 生,較前一年增加百分之一百二十五。另外,一百多 名中大學生報讀了中大國際暑期課程,與國際生共 同修讀亞洲及中國研究、工商管理、工程及理學院 科目。 在二零零五至零六年度,多所海外院校派團到訪中 大,中大共接待了一百二十五個海外學術訪問團, 較二零零二至零三年度增加了百分之一百五十。過 半數學術訪問團到訪目的為研究合作交流機會,而 多數訪問團由院校的領導層帶隊,顯示他們十分重 視與中大的聯繫。到訪者包括華盛頓大學聖路易斯 分校校長Prof. Mark Wrighton、英屬哥倫比亞大 學校長Dr. Martha Cook Piper、奧克蘭大學校長 Prof. Stuart McCutcheon等。