Annual Report 2005–06
學術發展 Academic Development 25 Acade ic Develop ent • The Third Global Youth Chinese Literary Award for the New Century received a record-breaking 2,600 entries from students all over the world. A series of events including the Literary Translation and Creative Writing Workshops, the award presentation ceremony and the gala dinner were held on 26 and 27 May 2006. World-renowned scholars and writers, including Prof.Yu Kwang-chung, Prof. Lin Wen-yueh, Mr. Tung Chiao, Prof. Lu Gusun, Prof. Perng Ching-his, Prof. Serena Jin, Prof. Wang Anyi, Prof. Kenneth H. Pai and Mr. Liu Yichang, served as final adjudicators for the award. • The following research centres were established during 2005-06: – The Centre for Catholic Studies was set up by the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, with a donation from the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong – Cooperating with Fung Ying Seen Koon, the Centre for the Studies of Daoist Culture was set up by the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies – The Centre for Translation Technology was established by the Department of Translation • As part of the Chinese Universities Shakespeare Festival held in January 2006, which was co-organized by the Department of English, a week-long seminar on directing Shakespeare was held for university teachers of English or drama from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau in October 2005. • The Department of Fine Arts had two new international partners in 2005-06. Two undergraduate students were awarded scholarships of US$5,000 each to attend a five-week summer workshop at the Pont-Aven School of Contemporary Art in France, operated by the Rhode Island School of Design in US. The scholarships were sponsored by Annie Wong Foundation and the French Consulate General in Hong Kong. In addition, a Ph.D. student was selected for a six-week internship at the Art Gallery of New South Wales and College of Fine Arts, The University of New South Wales, Australia, with support from the Australia- China Council. • Several major academic events and conferences were organized or co-organized by departments and units of the faculty: – The East Asian Anthropology/Anthropology in East Asia Conference (July 2006, co-organized by the Department of Anthropology and the Hong Kong Anthropological Society, for the annual meeting of the Society for East Asia Anthropology of the American Anthropological Association) – The 10th International Conference on Yue Dialects (December 2005, Department of Chinese Language and Literature) – The International Conference on Tertiary/College English Language Teaching 2006 – Information Technology in English Language Teaching (June 2006, co-hosted by the English Language Teaching Unit and the College English Teaching and Research Association, China) – The International Conference on Ming Taizu and His Times (March 2006, Department of History) – The international symposium ‘Globalization, Localization, and Japanese Studies in the Asia-Pacific Region’ (September to October 2005, co-organized by the Department of Japanese Studies and the International Research Centre for Japanese Studies in Kyoto) – The inaugural conference ’Phenomenology and the History of Philosophy’ (January 2006, the Archive for Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, Department of Philosophy) – The international conferences ‘Wang Bi and Guo Xiang: Commentaries and Philosophical Construction’ and ’Zhu Xi’s Commentary on the Four Books: Commentaries, Hermeneutics and Philosophical Construction’ (December 2005 and May 2006 respectively, the Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture, Department of Philosophy) – The International Symposium on New Horizons in Theoretical Translation Studies (January 2006, Department of Translation) 第三屆「新紀元全球 華文青年文學獎」晚宴 Gala dinner of the Third Global Youth Chinese Literary Award for the New Century
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