Annual Report 2005–06

42 of Direct Grants allocated by the RGC and the balance was drawn from the University’s Block Grant. The Direct Grant supported research activities conducted in the faculties for projects costing up to HK$150,000 each. Allocation was also made to finance Group Research Scheme to support strategic initiatives, travel grant for postgraduate research students, the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme and research support for projects with good development potential. The Young Researcher Award and the Award for the Best Research Output by Research Postgraduates continued to offer recognition to talented academics and students. Highlights of Research Activities Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research The Programme for International Student Assessment is a collaborative project involving 57 countries or regions. It assesses how well 15-year- olds near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in society. Institute of Space and Earth Information Science The institute conducted various large-scale research projects on remote sensing and GIS in the past year. One example, ’Building and Operating the Satellite Remote Sensing Ground Receiving Station’, had the support of the 863 High Technology Research and Development Programme of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China and the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR Government. Remote sensing data received can now be used to help monitor the environment and natural disasters. 直接資助計劃 Direct Grant 17.12 合作研究計劃 Group Research Scheme 1.0 研究生學術會議資助金 RPG Travel Grants 1.0 博士後研究計劃 Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme 6.0 發展潛質良好的研究項目 Support for projects with good development potential 0.5 研究獎項 Research Awards 0.875 其他 Miscellaneous 0.59 二零零五至二零零六年度 由中大研究事務委員會分配的資源 (百萬港元) Disbursement by the CUHK Research Committee 2005-2006 (HK$ million) 用途補助金。此外,大學獲創新及科技基金資助合 共九千七百萬港元,以及優質教育基金八百萬港元 的研究撥款。整體而言,中大在爭取政府及私人機 構的資助,成果可觀。 該年度經由中大研究委員會分配校內研究單位的 經費總額為二千七百萬港元,其中一千四百萬港元 為研資局的直接撥款,餘額則從政府的整體撥款 而來,用以資助經費少於十五萬港元的研究項目。 其他獲資助的範疇包括具有重要意義及創新性的 合作研究計劃、研究生參加學術會議、博士後研究 計劃,以及發展潛力良好的研究項目。大學為表揚 各學院的傑出教師和研究生,繼續設立青年學者研 究獎和研究生最佳研究成績獎。 研究活動摘要 香港教育研究所 該所的「學生能力國際評估計劃」是經濟合作與發 展組織策劃的一項協作研究,現已有五十七個國家 或地區參加。計劃旨在評估接近完成基礎教育的 十五歲學生,是否能夠掌握足夠的知識與技能應付 社會所需。 太空與地球信息科學研究所 該所在二零零五至零六年度開展了多項大型的遙 感及地球信息科學研究項目,其中最大規模的便是 由國家科學技術部863高技術研究發展計劃、創新 科技署撥款支持興建的「衛星遙感地面接收站」。 2% 22% 4% 4% 3% 2% 63%