Annual Report 2005–06
60 professor of political science at the California Institute of Technology; Prof. Jenefer Blackwell, Glaxo Professor for Molecular Parasitology at the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine; Chinese poet Bei Dao; astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng, Shenzhou-6 Manned Space Flight Mission; Prof. Wang Guangtao, Minister of Construction of China; Mr Yang Wenchang, Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the PRC in HKSAR; Prof. Xu Guanhua, Minister of Science and Technology of China; Dr. Lien Chan, Honorary Chairman of the Kuomintang; Mr Liu Yingli, Executive Vice-Mayor of Shenzhen; Prof. Ma Songde, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. The Art Museum held several thematic exhibitions with cultural institutes in China. The exhibition ‘The Art of ChenHongshou: Painting, Calligraphy, Seal-carving and Teapot Design’ was organized with the Shanghai Museum and the Nanjing Museum. ‘Qing Imperial Monochromes: The Zande Lou Collection’ featured priceless ceramics selected from the Zande Lou collection in the US and gifts to the Shanghai Museum. The 文物館正門(後)和西翼 Entrance to the Art Museum (back); the West Wing 橋大學醫學研究所Glaxo分子寄生生物學講座教 授Prof. Jenefer Blackwell、享譽國際的中國詩人 北島、神舟六號航天員費俊龍先生和聶海勝先生、 中國國家建設部汪光燾部長、中國外交部駐香港特 別行政區特派員楊文昌先生、中國國家科學技術部 徐冠華部長、中國國民黨榮譽主席連戰博士,以及 深圳市常務副市長劉應力先生及中國國家科學技 術部副部長馬頌德教授。 中大文物館與國內合辦多項專題展覽,包括與上 海博物館及南京博物院合辦「書.畫.印.壺:陳鴻 壽的藝術」,還有展品來自上海博物館及暫得樓珍 藏的「暫得樓清代官窯單色釉瓷器」,以及展品來 自上海豫園的「海納百川:上海豫園藏海派書畫」。 文物館亦與廣東省博物館合辦「守望傳統:廣東 國畫研究會一九二三至一九三七」,以宏揚鄉梓文 化。另外兩項精彩展覽分別是來自國內慷慨捐贈的
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