Annual Report 2005–06

服務社會 放眼世界 Service to Hong Kong and the World 59 in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, brought innovative contributions to technology transfer, and Prof. Wu Ke Li in the Department of Electronic Engineering developed the world’s smallest Bluetooth communication module. Promotion of Art and Culture Each year the University and its constituent colleges organize a variety of distinguished professorship/fellowship schemes, which bring world- renowned scholars to the campus. These public lectures and seminars invigorate the intellectual community of Hong Kong and generate fruitful academic exchanges. In 2005-06, the University hosted public lectures by nine Nobel Laureates including Nobel Laureates in Physics Prof. Charles H. Townes, Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Prof. Samuel C.C. Ting and Prof. Roy J. Glauber; Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine Dr. Richard J. Roberts; Nobel Laureates in Economics Prof. Myron S. Scholes, Prof. Robert J. Aumann, Prof. Robert A. Mundell; and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Prof. Kurt Wüthrich. Other prominent speakers during 2005-06 included Mr. James B. Cunningham, United States Consul-General in Hong Kong and Macau; Mr. Stephen Bradley, British Consul-General in Hong Kong; Mr. Takanori Kitamura, Japanese Consul-General in Hong Kong; Dr. Volker Stanzel, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to China; Mr. Raymond Burghardt, former United States Ambassador to Vietnam; Prof. Andrew J. Wiles, winner of the Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2005; Prof. Robert J. Barro, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics at Harvard University; Prof. Stanley N. Cohen, professor of genetics at Stanford University and winner of the Shaw Prize; Prof. Peter C. Ordeshook, 沈祖堯教授 Prof. Joseph Sung 余濟美教授 Prof. Jimmy Yu 盧煜明教授 Prof. Dennis Lo 辛世文教授 Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming 國大陸以外唯一獲此殊榮的大學。電子工程學系吳 克利教授以小型陶瓷藍牙系統模塊,獲頒二零零五 香港工商業獎消費產品設計優異獎。 推廣學術文化 中大經常舉辦傑出學人訪問計劃,邀請國際知名學 者蒞校主持講座及研討會,促進學術交流,並為本 地學術界帶來新思維。 二零零五至零六年度,中大共邀得九位諾貝爾獎得 獎學人主持傑出講座,包括諾貝爾物理學獎得主 Prof. Charles H. Townes、Prof. Claude Cohen- Tannoudji、丁肇中教授和格勞伯教授;諾貝爾生 理或醫學獎得主Dr. Richard J. Roberts;諾貝爾 經濟學獎得主Prof. Myron S. Scholes、奧曼教 授、蒙代爾教授,以及諾貝爾化學獎得主Prof. Kurt W ü thrich. 其他到訪中大的傑出講者包括美國駐香港及澳 門總領事郭明瀚先生、英國駐香港總領事柏聖文 先生、日本駐香港總領事北村隆則先生、德意志 聯邦共和國駐華大使史丹澤博士、前美國駐越南 大使Mr Raymond Burghardt、二零零五年邵逸夫 數學獎得主安德魯.維爾斯教授、哈佛大學Paul M. Warburg經濟學講座教授巴羅教授、史丹福大 學遺傳學講座教授並邵逸夫生命科學及醫學獎得 主Prof. Stanley N. Cohen、美國加州理工大學政 治學講座教授Prof. Peter C. Ordeshook、英國劍