Annual Report 2005–06
70 Student Admission A total of 4,354 new students were admitted during the year 2005-06, including 3,098 undergraduate students and 1,256 postgraduate students. In addition, 3,148 students were admitted by self-financed programmes — an increase of 10%. This year 262 undergraduate students were recruited from outside Hong Kong. Student Population This year the University registered an increase of 3.7 % in undergraduate student enrolment, a 26.7% decrease in postgraduate student enrolment in UGC-funded programmes and a 36% increase in postgraduate student enrolment in self-financed programmes. On 31 December 2005, the total enrolment figure of UGC-funded programmes stood at 12,654, of whom 79% were undergraduate students and 21% postgraduate students. On top of this, 6,308 students were enrolled in self-financed programmes. Graduates A total of 6,953 students completed their studies in 2005-06, including 2,782 first-degree students, 1,050 postgraduate diploma students, and 3,121 higher-degree students. This brought the total cumulative number of graduates since 1966 to 100,550. S tudents and alumni 學生和校友 新生入學人數 在二零零五至零六年度大學共錄取新生四千三百 五十四名,計本科生三千零九十八名,研究生一千二 百五十六名。此外,大學取錄了三千一百四十八名報 讀自負盈虧課程的學生,較去年增長了一成,而非 本地本科生有二百六十二名。 學生人數 今年本科生人數較去年升百分之三點七,研究生人 數減少了百分之二十六點七;自負盈虧課則有百之 三十五點九增長。以二零零五年十二月三十一日計 算,中大學生總人數為一萬二千六百五十四人,其中 百分之七十九為本科生,百分之二十一為研究生;另 外,有六千三百零八名學生修讀自負盈虧課桯。 畢業生 二零零五至零六年度共有六千九百五十三名學生完 成學業,其中二千七百八十二名為本科生,一千零五 十名為研究院文憑課程學生,三千一百二十一名為 研究院高級學位課程學生。自一九六六年至今,中 大畢業生人數已累積超過十萬,達到十萬零五百五 十人。
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